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4814 |
中国权威呼吸病专家、中国工程院院士钟南山也表示,疫情首先出现在中国,不一定发源在中国。 |
Dr. Zhong Nanshan, a topnotch respiratory expert and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering also said that, the pandemic first breaking out in China does not necessarily mean that it originated from China. |
4815 |
但无论病毒源自哪里,中国同其他出现疫情的国家一样,都是病毒的受害者,都面临疫情的挑战。 |
No matter where this virus came from, China, like any other affected countries, are all victims of this virus, and are facing the same unprecedented challenge of fighting this pandemic. |
4816 |
而包括马来西亚公共卫生学家Sai Kit Lam在内的全球27名顶尖科学家的联名强烈谴责,更令新冠病毒系人为制造的阴谋论贻笑大方。 |
A group of 27 prominent public health scientists globally, including Mr. Lam Sai Kit, a renounced public health expert from Malaysia, have signed on a statement strongly condemning conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin, leaving those who invented the conspiracy a laughing stock of the whole world. |
4817 |
也有媒体指出,2009年美国爆发H1N1流感,其后迅速蔓延到214个国家和地区,造成数十万人丧生,是否这些国家和病例都应该要求美国道歉? |
Some media pointed out that back in 2009, H1N1 first broke out in the U.S., then spreading to more than 214 countries and regions, causing thousands of deaths. Should these countries and people ask the U.S. to apologize for that? |
4818 |
幸灾乐祸的有之。 |
There are the ones who take pleasure in China’s misfortune. |
4819 |
一些外国媒体不知是出于认知偏差,还是刻意为之,一味批评、嘲笑中国,无视中国在抗击疫情方面所做出的卓绝努力和付出的巨大代价,极尽贬低、批评、诋毁,甚至言论暴露出种族歧视的倾向,令中国人民感伤和不解,也让不少其他国家的读者感到不满甚至愤慨。 |
Some foreign media, taking a blind eye to China’s strenuous efforts and great sacrifice made in this battle, have kept disparaging and defaming China, either out of misperception or on purpose. They even have used words with apparent allusion to racism in their publications, which dismayed and upset Chinese people, and aroused resentfulness and even indignation among readers of many other countries. |
4820 |
更可悲的是,一些西方政客,面对人类共同的传染病威胁,依然沉溺在“逢中必反”的政治逻辑中,对中国进行指责。 |
What is worse, some western politicians, obsessed with the ossified political logic of “opposing whatever China is doing”, keep pointing fingers at China, even at the critical moment of the whole world being endangered by the virus. |
4821 |
武汉封城前,中国是动作迟缓,措施不力;武汉封城后,中国是侵犯人权、漠视自由。 |
Interestingly, China was criticized for being clumsy and inefficient before the lock-down of Wuhan; and accused as a violator of human rights and intruder of people’s freedom after the lockdown. |
4822 |
在他们眼中,只要是中国的,就一无是处。 |
In their world, China is just wrong in everything. |
4823 |
相比疫情,藏匿于某些人心中的傲慢、偏见、仇恨,是比新冠病毒更难解的“心魔”。 |
Compared to the dreadful virus, the pride, prejudice and hatred, hidden deep somewhere in some people’s minds, are actually more vicious monsters, which are danger to all. |