ID 原文 译文
1087 推荐留置鼻肠管进行空肠内营养、留置胃管进行持续减压; Nasointestinal feeding and continuous nasogastric decompression are recommended.
1088 转运前停止肠内营养,50mL空针抽吸;无禁忌时采用30°半坐位等。 Enteral nutrition should be suspended and aspiration with 50 mL syringe be done before transfer. If no contraindication exists, a 30° semi-sitting position is recommended.
1089 5)液体管理 (5) Fluid Management
1090 过多的液体输注常可显著加重COVID-19患者低氧血症。 Excessive fluid burden worsens hypoxemia in COVID-19 patients.
1091 在保证患者循环灌注的情况下应严格控制液体入量,对减少肺部渗出、改善氧合有积极作用。 To reduce pulmonary exudation and improve oxygenation, the amount of fluid should be strictly controlled while ensuring the patient's perfusion.
1092 6)呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)预防策略 (6) Strategies to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP)
1093 ①选择合适型号的气管插管; ①Select appropriate type of endotracheal tube;
1094 ②使用带声门下吸引的气管插管(q2h,每次20mL空针筒抽吸); Use a endotracheal tube with subglottic suction (once every 2 hours, aspirated with 20 mL empty syringe each time);
1095 ③确保气管插管的位置、深浅合适,妥善固定、避免牵拉; ③Place the endotracheal tube at the right position and correct depth, fix properly and avoid pulling;
1096 ④维持气囊压力30~35cmH2O(1cmH2O=0.098kPa),q4h监测一次; Maintain the airbag pressure at 30 - 35 cmH2O (1 cmH2O = 0.098 kPa) and monitor every 4 hours;