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1419 3)在肺部影像进一步好转,痰液、粪便SARS-COV-2核酸持续阴性3次(每次间隔24h)后出院; (3) Discharge only when improvement is observed on lung imaging and the sputum and stool are tested negative for 3 consecutive times (with an interval of 24 hours).
1420 4)出院后按上文提到的居家隔离及随访要求进行观察。 (4) Home isolation and follow-up visits after discharge in accordance with the requirement s mentioned above.
1421 第三部分 护理经验 Part Three Nursing
1422 一. 高流量吸氧(HFNC)患者护理 I. Nursing Care for Patients Receiving High-Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) Oxygen Therapy
1424 使用前充分宣教,必要时使用小剂量镇静药物。 Provide detailed information of the HFNC oxygen therapy to get the patient’s cooperation before implementation. Use low dose sedative with close monitoring if necessary.
1425 根据患者鼻腔直径选择合适的鼻塞导管。 Choose a proper nasal catheter based on the diameter of the patient's nasal cavity.
1426 使用时先贴减压敷料,调节好鼻塞固定带松紧,避免引起颜面部皮肤器械相关性压力损伤。 Adjust the head strap tightness and use decompression plaster to prevent device-related pressure injuries on the facial skin.
1427 根据患者病情和耐受情况调节氧浓度、流量及温度,及时添加湿化水。 Maintain the water level in the humidifier chamber. Titrate the flow rate, the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2), and the water temperature based on the patient’s respiratory demands and tolerance.
1429 使用期间若患者出现血流动力学不稳定、辅助呼吸肌运动明显、氧合持续不改善、意识状态恶化、呼吸频率持续>40次/min、大量气道分泌物等表现时,及时报告医生,考虑是否需要中止HFNC氧疗,及时行气管插管机械通气。 Report to the attending physician to seek medical decision of replacing HFNC by mechanical ventilation if any of the followings occur: hemodynamic instability, respiratory distress evidenced by obvious contraction of accessory muscles, hypoxemia persists despite oxygen therapy, deterioration of consciousness, the respiratory rate > 40 breaths per minute continuously, significant amount of sputum.
1430 分泌物处理 Treatment of Secretions