ID |
原文 |
译文 |
1553 |
Liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen ultrasound, echocardiography and lung CT scan
1554 |
3.3 Medication
1555 |
阿比多尔片 200mg po tid
Arbidol tablets 200 mg tid
1556 |
洛匹那韦利托那韦片 2片 po q12h
Lopinavir/Ritonavir 2 tablets po q12h
1557 |
干扰素喷雾剂 1喷 pr.nar tid
Interferon spray 1 spray pr.nar tid
1558 |
NS 100
mL+甲强龙40mg ivgtt qd
NS 100 mL + methylprednisolone 40 mg ivgtt qd
1559 |
NS100mL+泮托拉唑针40mg ivgtt qd
NS 100 mL + pantoprazole 40 mg ivgtt qd
1560 |
钙尔奇 D 1片 po qd
Caltrate 1 tablet qd
1561 |
免疫球蛋白针 20g ivgtt qd
Immunoglobulin 20 g ivgtt qd
1562 |
NS100mL+氨溴索30mg ivgtt bid
NS 100 mL + Ambroxol 30 mg ivgtt bid