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1603 床位数4000余张,2019年门急诊量达500万人次,出院21.43万人次。 There is a total of 4,000 beds available to patients in FAHZU.Its main campus handled 5 million emergency and outpatient visits in 2019.
1604 医院现有职工6500余人,正高职称364人,副高职称545人,拥有中国工程院院士、国家杰青、“长江学者”特聘教授等顶尖人才。 As a large-size general hospital, it currently has over 6,500 employees, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Distinguished Young Scholars and other outstanding talents.
1605 医院以综合实力雄厚、医疗质量过硬、学科特色鲜明享誉海内外。多年来,医院在器官移植、胰腺疾病、传染病、血液病、肾脏病、泌尿系疾病、临床药学等学科领域享有盛名,建立了现代化胰腺癌规范诊治创新技术体系,成功开展肝脏、胰腺、肺、肾、小肠和心脏等多器官移植手术。 Over the years, FAHZU has successfully developed a number of renowned programs in organ transplantation, pancreatic diseases, infectious diseases, hematology, nephrology, urology, clinical pharmacy, etc. FAHZU helps many realize the radical resection of cancer and enjoy long-term survival. FAHZU is also an integrated provider of liver, pancreas, lung, kidney, intestine and heart transplantation.
1606 自2003年以来,医院在抗击SARS,H7N9禽流感和新冠肺炎过程中获得了丰富的经验,先后在NEJM、Lancet、Nature、SCIENCE等主刊均有论著发表,授权专利300余项,出版专著200余部。 In the fight against SARS, H7N9 avian flu and COVID-19, it has gained rich experience and fruitful results. As a result, its medical professionals have published many articles in journals such as New England Journal of Medicine, the Lancet, Nature and Science.
1607 医院长期以来持续推动全球范围内的交流合作,与美国斯坦福大学、美国约翰霍普金斯医院等30余家世界顶尖高校和医疗机构建立了深厚的合作关系。 FAHZU has been extensively engaged into overseas exchanges and collaboration. It has established partnerships with over 30 prestigious universities around the world.
1608 此外,同时医院将先进技术和优秀人才向匈牙利、印度尼西亚、马来西亚等中东欧和东南亚国家辐射,取得了丰硕的医学外交成果。 Productive achievements have also been accomplished through exchange of our medical experts and technologies with Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries.
1609 医院牢记“以卓越的医疗品质促进人类健康”的使命,坚持“科技引领,创新发展,科学管理,优质服务”的发展思路,秉承“严谨求实”的核心价值观,致力于为患者提供高品质的医疗服务,早日成为国际一流的医学中心。 Adhering to the core value of seeking truth with prudence, FAHZU is here to offer quality health care to everyone in need.
1610 马云公益基金会 Jack Ma Foundation
1611 浙江大学 Zhejiang University
1612 阿里云 Alibaba Cloud