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1603 |
床位数4000余张,2019年门急诊量达500万人次,出院21.43万人次。 |
There is a total of 4,000 beds available to patients in FAHZU.Its main campus handled 5 million emergency and outpatient visits in 2019. |
1604 |
As a large-size general hospital, it currently has over 6,500 employees, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Distinguished Young Scholars and other outstanding talents. |
1605 |
医院以综合实力雄厚、医疗质量过硬、学科特色鲜明享誉海内外。多年来,医院在器官移植、胰腺疾病、传染病、血液病、肾脏病、泌尿系疾病、临床药学等学科领域享有盛名,建立了现代化胰腺癌规范诊治创新技术体系,成功开展肝脏、胰腺、肺、肾、小肠和心脏等多器官移植手术。 |
Over the years, FAHZU has successfully developed a number of renowned programs in organ transplantation, pancreatic diseases, infectious diseases, hematology, nephrology, urology, clinical pharmacy, etc. FAHZU helps many realize the radical resection of cancer and enjoy long-term survival. FAHZU is also an integrated provider of liver, pancreas, lung, kidney, intestine and heart transplantation. |
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In the fight against SARS, H7N9 avian flu and COVID-19, it has gained rich experience and fruitful results. As a result, its medical professionals have published many articles in journals such as New England Journal of Medicine, the Lancet, Nature and Science.
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医院长期以来持续推动全球范围内的交流合作,与美国斯坦福大学、美国约翰霍普金斯医院等30余家世界顶尖高校和医疗机构建立了深厚的合作关系。 |
FAHZU has been extensively engaged into overseas exchanges and collaboration. It has established partnerships with over 30 prestigious universities around the world. |
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Productive achievements have also been accomplished through exchange of our medical experts and technologies with Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries.
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Adhering to the core value of seeking truth with prudence, FAHZU is here to offer quality health care to everyone in need.
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Jack Ma Foundation
1611 |
Zhejiang University
1612 |
Alibaba Cloud