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3354 外国人可根据实际合理安排来华行程,外国人可继续在华停留居留。 Foreigners could make reasonable travel arrangements to China and stay or reside in China as usual.
3355 对于确需出境的外国人,鉴于部分国家和地区已针对疫情实施相应的入境管制措施,建议提前了解清楚目的地国家或地区对人员入境的规定和做法,避免因无法入境造成费用和时间损失; Due to entry restrictions adopted by some countries and regions, it is advised that foreigners who need to exit from China, should learn in advance entry requirements of destination countries or regions to avoid financial and time losses in case of any entry refusals.
3356 前往国家、地区允许入境的,应当提前到达出境口岸,留出足够时间接受相关部门检查; Those who travel to countries or regions without entry restrictions, are advised to arrive at exit ports well ahead of departure time for necessary checks.
3357 已经出现发热并伴有咳嗽、呼吸困难等急性呼吸道感染症状的,不应进行国际旅行,应当立即就近接受诊治,并如实向有关管理人员说明近期活动和密切接触人员等情况,以便有关部门迅速采取排查措施。 Foreigners having fever with symptoms of acute respiratory infection such as cough or breathing difficulties, should avoid international travels and seek immediate medical treatment at the nearest hospitals. Information such as recent activities as well as close contacts should be provided to relevant authorities for any necessary control measures.
3358 二、疫情防控期间外国人如何办理签证延期、停留居留证件? II. How do foreigners apply for visas, stay or residence permits during the period of epidemic prevention and control?
3359 答:疫情防控期间,全国公安机关出入境管理部门将继续为外国人提供签证延期和停留居留证件办理服务,保障外国人合法停留居留,对有紧急需要的将加急办理相关证件。 Answer:All Exit and Entry Administration(EEA) authorities in China will be in full service for extension and issuance of visa and stay or residence permits to ensure foreigners' legitimate stay in China. Urgent services for emergency situations will also be provided.
3360 为有效避免人员聚集,公安机关出入境管理部门结合实际将安排预约办证服务,外国人可提前联系、合理安排办证时间。 To avoid crowds gathering risks, the EEA authorities will make arrangements for services on appointments. Foreigners could make appointments in advance for any applications.
3361 对接待外国人较多的高校、科研院所、企事业单位等机构,出入境管理部门将根据办证需求,视情允许代办证件或提供其他必要的办证便利。 For those institutions which host high numbers of foreigners, such as universities, scientific research institutes and business enterprises, the EEA authorities will allow additional agent service or provide other necessary conveniences depending upon the situation.
3362 三、疫情防控期间外国人签证、停居留证件过期怎么办? III. How to deal with the situation that a foreigner’s visa, stay or residence permit expires during the epidemic prevention and control?
3363 答:根据我国出境入境管理法规定,外国人应在签证、停留居留证件到期前出境,需要继续在华停留居留的应当到公安机关出入境管理部门办理签证、停留居留证件延期手续。 Answer: According to Exit and Entry Administration Law of the PRC, foreigners should exit China or apply for extension at the EEA authorities before the visa, stay or residence permit expires .