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3384 |
答:目前,各国人员可以从湖北武汉地区的对外开放口岸(即武汉天河机场、汉口港)正常入境。 |
Answer: International travelers can enter China through ports of Wuhan (referring to Wuhan Tianhe International Airport and Hankou ferry terminal ). |
3385 |
因离汉出境通道已关闭,未经批准不安排人员通行。 |
Due to the lockdown of the exit channels of Wuhan ports, exits through any ports of Wuhan can only be permitted with approval. |
3386 |
八、目前中国内地居民是否能通过自助通道办理边检手续? |
VIII. Could Chinese mainland residents go through e-channels as usual? |
3387 |
答:根据口岸疫情防控工作需要,部分口岸出入境边防检查机关可能暂时关闭部分自助查验通道,在这种情况下旅客应经人工查验通道通关。 |
Answer: Some of immigration inspection agencies may close some e-channels for the moment due to current situation of the epidemic prevention and control. Under such circumstances, travelers should go through manual inspection channels. |
3388 |
请出入境旅客自觉服从现场工作人员引导,按规定办理通关查验手续。 |
It is advised for travelers to follow instructions of NIA officers and go through border clearance formalities according to relevant regulations. |
3389 |
疫情防控期间,口岸出入境边防检查机关人工查验通道可能配合有关主管部门采取检测体温、询问行程及密切接触者情况等必要的筛查措施,请广大出入境人员自觉配合。 |
During the epidemic prevention and control period, immigration officers at manual inspection channels may work together with relevant authorities and take necessary preventive measures such as taking travels’ temperatures and making inquiries about travel itineraries and close contacts . |
3390 |
各口岸出入境边防检查机关将确保大型口岸中国公民通关等候时间不超过30分钟,外国人出入境顺畅。 |
Cooperation by the travelers will be appreciated., Immigration inspection agencies will make efforts to guarantee border inspection waiting time no more than 30 minutes for Chinese citizens at large ports and smooth border clearance for foreign visitors. |
3391 |
九、已经办理赴港澳台签注但因疫情无法在签注有效期内赴港澳台的如何处理? |
IX. How to deal with the situation that some travelers have already obtained endorsements to Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan region but cannot travel due to the epidemic? |
3392 |
答:据掌握,目前港澳台地区主管部门对内地(大陆)居民作出了限制入境规定。 |
Answer: At present, regional authorities of Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan region have conducted travel restrictions for Chinese mainland residents. |
3393 |
对持有往来港澳台签注、受疫情影响未能在签注有效期内入境港澳台地区的,公安机关出入境管理部门将在疫情解除后,根据持证人意愿免费重新办理相同种类和有效期的签注。 |
For those who have obtained endorsements to Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan region but fail to enter within the validity of endorsements because of the epidemic, EEA authorities will, after clearance of the epidemic, issue the same type of endorsements with the same validity free of charge according to the holder’s wishes. |