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3568 该倡议将充分利用现有项目,延续全球防范领域工作重点,并作为一个普遍、有效、持续的筹资和协调平台,以加速疫苗、诊断和治疗的开发和使用。    This initiative will capitalize on existing programs to align priorities in global preparedness and act as a universal, efficient, sustained funding and coordination platform to accelerate the development and delivery of vaccines, diagnostics and treatments.
3569 维护世界经济    Safeguarding the Global Economy
3570 我们承诺竭尽所能,使用现有一切政策工具,降低此次大流行病对经济和社会造成的损害,恢复全球增长,维持市场稳定并增强经济韧性。    We commit to do whatever it takes and to use all available policy tools to minimize the economic and social damage from the pandemic, restore global growth, maintain market stability, and strengthen resilience.
3571 我们正采取迅速而有力的措施,支持经济,保护劳动者、企业,特别是中小微企业,以及受影响最严重的部门,并通过适当的社会保护措施来保护脆弱群体。 We are currently undertaking immediate and vigorous measures to support our economies; protect workers, businesses—especially micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises—and the sectors most affected; and shield the vulnerable through adequate social protection.
3572 我们正在向全球经济注入超过5万亿美元,以作为有针对性的财政政策、经济措施和担保计划的一部分,抵消大流行病对社会、经济和金融的影响。    We are injecting over $5 trillion into the global economy, as part of targeted fiscal policy, economic measures, and guarantee schemes to counteract the social, economic and financial impacts of the pandemic.
3573 我们将继续采取有力、大规模的财政支持措施。 We will continue to conduct bold and large-scale fiscal support.
3574 二十国集团的集体行动将扩大影响,确保连贯,形成合力。 Collective G20 action will amplify its impact, ensure coherence, and harness synergies.
3575 应对措施的规模和范围将重振全球经济,为保护工作岗位和恢复经济增长奠定坚实基础。 The magnitude and scope of this response will get the global economy back on its feet and set a strong basis for the protection of jobs and the recovery of growth.
3576 我们要求财政部长和央行行长定期协调并制定《二十国集团应对新冠肺炎行动计划》,并同国际组织紧密合作,迅速提供适当的国际金融援助。    We ask our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to coordinate on a regular basis to develop a G20 action plan in response to COVID-19 and work closely with international organizations to swiftly deliver the appropriate international financial assistance.
3577 我们支持各国央行根据授权采取特别措施。 We support the extraordinary measures taken by central banks consistent with their mandates.