ID 原文 译文
3578 各国央行已采取行动支持信贷流向家庭和企业,增强金融稳定,以及加强全球市场流动性。 Central banks have acted to support the flow of credit to households and businesses, promote financial stability, and enhance liquidity in global markets.
3579 我们对央行扩大货币互换额度表示欢迎。 We welcome the extension of swap lines that our central banks have undertaken.
3580 我们还支持为确保金融体系持续支持经济而采取的监管措施,并欢迎金融稳定理事会宣布协调此类措施。    We also support regulatory and supervisory measures taken to ensure that the financial system continues to support the economy and welcome the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) announced coordination of such measures.
3581 我们欢迎国际货币基金组织和世界银行尽最大程度运用各种工具支持有需要的国家,作为全球协调行动的一部分,并要求它们定期向二十国集团更新此次大流行病的影响,汇报应对举措及政策建议。 We also welcome the steps taken by the IMF and the WBG to support countries in need using all instruments to the fullest extent as part of a coordinated global response and ask them to regularly update the G20 on the impacts of the pandemic, their response, and policy recommendations.
3582 我们将继续应对低收入国家因疫情导致的债务脆弱性风险。 We will continue to address risks of debt vulnerabilities in low-income countries due to the pandemic.
3583 我们还要求国际劳工组织和经合组织监测大流行病对就业的影响。    We also ask the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to monitor the pandemic’s impact on employment.
3584 应对疫情对国际贸易造成的干扰    Addressing International Trade Disruptions
3585 为满足民众所需,我们将努力确保重要医疗用品、关键农产品和其他商品和服务的正常跨境流动,并努力解决全球供应链中断问题,从而保障全人类的健康和福祉。    Consistent with the needs of our citizens, we will work to ensure the flow of vital medical supplies, critical agricultural products, and other goods and services across borders, and work to resolve disruptions to the global supply chains, to support the health and well-being of all people.
3586 我们承诺继续共同努力促进国际贸易,协调应对措施,避免对国际交通和贸易造成不必要的干扰。 We commit to continue working together to facilitate international trade and coordinate responses in ways that avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade.
3587 旨在保护健康的应急措施将是有针对性、适当、透明和临时的。 Emergency measures aimed at protecting health will be targeted, proportionate, transparent, and temporary.