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3598 我们要求有关高级别官员密切协调,支持全球应对疫情影响的努力,包括根据各国法规采取适当的边境管理措施,并在必要时为撤回公民提供协助。    We task our top relevant officials to coordinate closely in support of the global efforts to counter the pandemic’s impacts, including through proportionate border management measures in accordance with national regulations and to provide assistance where necessary to repatriate citizens.
3599 我们珍视为保证人民健康而推迟举行大型公共活动的做法,特别是国际奥委会关于将奥运会调整至不晚于2021年夏季举行的决定。 We value the efforts to safeguard our people’s health through the postponement of major public events, in particular the decision by the International Olympic Committee to reschedule the Olympic Games to a date no later than summer 2021.
3600 我们赞赏日本决心完整举办2020年东京奥运会和残奥会,以此象征人类的坚韧不拔。    We commend Japan’s determination to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 in their complete form as a symbol of human resilience.
3601 我们准备好迅速应对,并根据需要进一步采取行动。 We stand ready to react promptly and take any further action that may be required.
3602 我们愿根据形势需要再次召集会议。 We express our readiness to convene again as the situation requires.
3603 应对疫情比以往任何时候都更需要全球行动、团结和国际合作。 Global action, solidarity and international cooperation are more than ever necessary to address this pandemic.
3604 我们坚信,通过密切合作,我们必将战胜困难。 We are confident that, working closely together, we will overcome this.
3605 我们将保护人类生命,恢复全球经济稳定,并为强劲、可持续、平衡和包容性增长奠定坚实基础。 We will protect human life, restore global economic stability, and lay out solid foundations for strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.
3694 Testing for COVID-19 COVID-19检测
3695 There are laboratory tests that can identify the virus that causes COVID-19 in respiratory specimens. 实验室检测可以确认呼吸道样本中的COVID-19病毒。