ID 原文 译文
3706 How to get tested 如何获取检测
3707 If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and want to get tested, try calling your state or local health department or a medical provider. 如果您出现COVID-19症状并希望接受检测,请尝试联系您所在州或当地卫生部门或医疗提供者。
3708 While supplies of these tests are increasing, it may still be difficult to find a place to get tested. 虽然这些试剂盒的供给已增加,但仍然可能很难找到提供检测的地点。
3709 What to do after you are tested 检测后怎么做
3710 If you test positive for COVID-19, see If You Are Sick or Caring for Someone. 如果您的COVID-19检测结果呈阳性,请参见"如果您生病了或护理病人"页面。
3711 If you test negative for COVID-19, you probably were not infected at the time your specimen was collected. 如果您的COVID-19检测结果呈阴性,则说明在收集您的样本时,您可能没有被感染。
3712 However, that does not mean you will not get sick. 但是,这并不意味着您不会生病。
3713 It is possible that you were very early in your infection at the time of your specimen collection and that you could test positive later, or you could be exposed later and then develop illness. 可能的情况是,收集样本时,您还处于感染早期,之后您的检测结果也可能呈阳性,或者您在此次检测之后被感染,随后出现疾病症状。
3714 In other words, a negative test result does not rule out getting sick later. 换言之,阴性检测结果并不能排除之后生病的可能。
3715 CDC expects that widespread transmission of COVID-19 in the United States will occur. CDC预计COVID-19会在美国广泛传播。