ID 原文 译文
3716 In the coming months, most of the U.S. population will be exposed to this virus. 在接下来的几个月中,美国大部分人口都将接触此病毒。
3717 You should continue to practice all the protective measures recommended to keep yourself and others free from illness. 您应继续采取所有CDC建议的保护措施,保护您和他人不被传染。
3718 See How to Protect Yourself. 参见"如何保护自己"。
3719 Additional information: U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration FAQs on Diagnostic Testing for SARS-CoV-2. 额外信息:美国食品药品管理局 SARS-CoV-2诊断检测常见问题(FAQ)。
3720 If you are very sick get medical attention immediately 如果您病情严重,请立即寻求医疗帮助
3721 When to Seek Medical Attention 何时寻找医学治疗
3722 If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include*: 如果您出现以下COVID-19身体状况,请立刻寻求医疗救助,紧急警告信号包括:
3723 Trouble breathing 呼吸困难
3724 Persistent pain or pressure in the chest 胸口持续疼痛或感到压迫
3725 New confusion or inability to arouse 精神恍惚或无精打采