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3796 Have their healthcare provider’s contact information on hand. 随时备好病人的医务人员联系信息。
3797 If they are getting sicker, call their healthcare provider. 如果病人的病情加重,请通过电话联系其医务人员。
3798 For medical emergencies, call 911 and notify the dispatch personnel that they have or are suspected to have COVID-19. 如需急救,请致电911并告知调派人员病人已经感染或疑似感染COVID-19。
3799 If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include*: 如果您出现以下COVID-19身体状况,请立刻寻求医疗救助,紧急警告信号包括*:
3800 Trouble breathing 呼吸困难
3801 Persistent pain or pressure in the chest 胸口持续疼痛或压迫感
3802 New confusion or inability to arouse 精神恍惚或无精打采
3803 Bluish lips or face 嘴唇或脸色发紫
3804 This list is not all inclusive. 本列表并未包括所有症状。
3805 Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning. 如有其它严重或让人担心的症状,请咨询您的医生。