ID 原文 译文
3856 大力培育发展新兴产业和新兴消费业态,多措并举稳外贸稳外资,推动经济转型升级发展。 Sichuan should foster and develop emerging industries and emerging consumption formats, take multiple measures to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment, and promote the upgrading of the economy.
3857 有脱贫任务的地方要全力攻坚,坚决夺取收官之战全面胜利。 Regions shouldered with the responsibility of poverty alleviation should spare no effort to fulfill their responsibilities, so as to win an all-out victory in the final battle.   
3858 会议要求,加快推动企业复工复产的同时,要严格落实安全生产责任,加强安全隐患排查整治,坚决遏制安全生产事故发生。 The meeting pointed out that while promoting the resumption of work and production of enterprises, relevant departments should strictly implement the work safety responsibility, strengthen the screening and rectification of potential safety hazards, and resolutely prevent accidents threatening work safety.
3859 要及时回应部分受疫情影响较大群体的诉求和关切,加强对特殊困难群体的帮扶,保障他们的基本生活,确保社会大局稳定。 Departments concerned should  respond to the appeals and concerns of the groups heavily affected by the epidemic in a timely manner, strengthen the assistance to people living in dire poverty, and guarantee their basic life, so as to ensure the overall social stability.   
3860 省指挥部副指挥长、各工作组负责人等参加会议。 Deputy heads of the emergency response headquarters and the heads of the working groups attended the meeting.
3861 四川省外事办公室关于新型冠状病毒疫情信息的通报(二十六)    Foreign Affairs Office of Sichuan Province Update on the Epidemic of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Sichuan Province(XXVI)   
3862 2020年3月27日    Mar. 27th, 2020   
3864 一、疫情情况    I. Briefing on the epidemic   
3865 据省卫生健康委发布信息,3月26日,我省新型冠状病毒肺炎新增1例确诊病例(境外输入),无新增治愈出院病例,无新增疑似病例,无新增死亡病例。    Latest updates by the Health Commission of Sichuan Province:1 new case (imported from overseas) of novel coronavirus disease was confirmed in Sichuan Province with no new suspected case and no new fatal case, while no patient has been newly cured and discharged from hospital on Mar. 26th.   
3866 新增确诊患者情况:    Details about newly confirmed case: