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3893 3月26日,中华人民共和国外交部、国家移民管理局发布《关于暂时停止持有效中国签证、居留许可的外国人入境的公告》。 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China National Immigration Administration releases “Announcement on the Temporary Suspension of Entry by Foreign Nationals Holding Valid Chinese Visas or Residence Permits” on Mar. 26th.
3894 主要内容如下:    The main content is as follows:   
3895 鉴于新冠肺炎疫情在全球范围快速蔓延,中方决定自2020年3月28日0时起,暂时停止外国人持目前有效来华签证和居留许可入境。 In view of the rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world, China has decided to temporarily suspend the entry into China by foreign nationals holding visas or residence permits still valid to the time of this announcement, effective from 0 a.m., 28 march 2020.
3896 暂停外国人持APEC商务旅行卡入境。 Entry by foreign nationals with APEC Business Travel Cards will be suspended as well.
3897 暂停口岸签证、24/72/144小时过境免签、海南入境免签、上海邮轮免签、港澳地区外国人组团入境广东144小时免签、东盟旅游团入境广西免签等政策。 Policies including port visas, 24/72/144-hour visa-free transit policy, Hainan 30-day visa-free policy, 15-day visa-free policy specified for foreign cruise-group-tour through Shanghai Port, Guangdong 144-hour visa-free policy specified for foreign tour groups from Hong Kong or Macao SAR, and Guangxi 15-day visa-free policy specified for foreign tour groups of ASEAN countries will also be temporarily suspended.
3898 持外交、公务、礼遇、C字签证入境不受影响。 Entry with diplomatic, service, courtesy or C visas will not be affected.
3899 外国人如来华从事必要的经贸、科技等活动,以及出于紧急人道主义需要,可向中国驻外使领馆申办签证。 Foreign nationals coming to China for necessary economic, trade, scientific or technological activities or out of emergency humanitarian needs may apply for visas at Chinese embassies or consulates.
3900 外国人持公告后签发的签证入境不受影响。    Entry by foreign nationals with visas issued after this announcement will not be affected.   
3901 这是中方为应对当前疫情,参考多国做法,不得已采取的临时性措施。 The suspension is a temporary measure that China is compelled to take in light of the outbreak situation and the practices of other countries.
3902 中方愿与各方保持密切沟通,做好当前形势下中外人员往来工作。 China will stay in close touch with all sides and properly handle personnel exchanges with the rest of the world under the special circumstances.