ID 原文 译文
4453 But with almost every hospital in Wuhan flooded with patients and amid surging numbers of new infections, 但是当时的情况是,武汉各大医院人满为患,而新感染人数也在不断攀升,
4454 There was only one option available and that is to build more hospitals. 所以别无选择,只能建造更多的医院容纳病人。
4455 It normally takes at least 6 to 8 months to construct a new hospital. 正常情况下,一个正规医院的建成至少需要6-8个月。
4456 The first facility China built in Wuhan has 1,000 beds and 30 intensive care units. 武汉十天内建成的火神山医院有一千张床位,以及30张ICU病床。
4457 China mobilized military and medical staff from all over the country to help build and operate the hospital... 中国倾全国之力,调动军队以及全国的医护人员驰援武汉,确保医院的建成以及正常运转......
4458 So once again, the lesson learned here is SPEED IS A TOP PRIORITY. 所以第二个经验是:兵贵神速,速度至上。
4459 No.3: Self-quarantine for 14 DAYS 三、十四天自我隔离制度
4460 So here we are in Beijing. We have a strict "14-day self-quarantine rule". 在北京,这里实行了一项非常严格的“十四天自我隔离制度“。
4461 If you were in contact with people who traveled from or to Hubei Province you will be quarantined for 14 days... 如果你和从湖北地区来的人有过任何接触,你将会被隔离14天......
4462 If you travelled outside the city you will be quarantined for 14 days... 如果你在疫情期间有过离京记录,你将会被隔离14天......