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4644 This will help us save lives and push back the virus” 这将帮助我们挽救生命并击退该病毒。”
4645 UNICEF is leading on preventative actions in communities across the affected countries with risk communication, providing hygiene and medical kits to schools and health clinics and monitoring the impact of the outbreak to support continuity of care, education and social services. 儿基会在受影响各国的社区带头采取预防行动,包括进行风险沟通,向学校和诊所提供卫生和医疗用品包,并监测疫情的影响,以支持医护、教育和社会服务的连续性。
4646 “At this pivotal moment, every effort must be made to push back against the outbreak,” said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore. 儿基会执行主任亨丽埃塔·福尔说:“在这个关键的时刻,我们必须尽一切努力抗击疫情。
4647 “These crucial funds will support our global efforts to bolster weaker health systems and inform children, pregnant women and families about how to protect themselves.” 这些资金至关重要,将支持全球努力加强薄弱的卫生系统,并让儿童、孕妇和家庭了解保护自己的方法。”
4648 Since it was launched in 2006, CERF has provided more than $6 billion to over 100 countries and helped hundreds of millions of people. 中央应急基金自2006年启动以来,已向100多个国家提供了60多亿美元,帮助了无数人。
4649 一、疫情防控期间外国人是否可以正常出入境? I. Are foreigners allowed to entry or exit as usual during the period of epidemic prevention and control?
4650 答:疫情发生后,中国政府采取了一系列的有力应对措施。 Answer: The Chinese government has taken a series of strong measures since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus.
4651 习近平总书记指出,我们完全有信心、有能力打赢这场疫情防控阻止战。 As President Xi Jinping stated, China has full confidence and capability to win the battle against the novel coronavirus outbreak.
4652 目前,除武汉口岸关闭离汉通道外,我国口岸签证机关仍正常运转,外国人过境免签政策未作调整,各陆、海、空口岸继续对外开放运转,外国人可凭有效的出境入境证件正常出入境。 At present, except for the lockdown of the exit channel of Wuhan ports, all port visa agencies are operating as usual. Visa-free transit policy for foreigners are still effective. All land, sea and air ports of China are functioning. Foreigners can enter or exit as usual with their valid international travel documents.
4653 目前情况下减少人员跨境流动有助于有效防控疫情。 At present, it is helpful to the epidemic prevention and control by reducing cross border movements.