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4694 十、旅客出入境途中出现疑似疫情症状怎么办? X. How to deal with the situation that travelers have suspicious symptoms?
4695 答:出入境人员如出现发热并伴有咳嗽、呼吸困难等急性呼吸道感染症状,应当立即停止出入境旅行、自觉远离人群,并到就近的医疗卫生机构就医。 Answer: If travelers have symptoms of acute respiratory infection, such as cough and breathing difficulties, they should suspend travels immediately, stay far away from the crowds and seek treatment at the nearest medical institutions.
4696 口岸或驻地的移民管理机构也将提供必要的协助。 The NIA authorities will provide necessary assistance as well.
4697 李克强:要高度重视防治无症状感染者 Premier calls attention to asymptomatic COVID-19 cases
4698 “要高度重视防治无症状感染者。”李克强总理3月26日主持召开中央应对新冠肺炎疫情工作领导小组会议时强调。“无症状感染者”全称是“新冠病毒无症状感染者”,指无临床症状、但呼吸道等标本新冠病毒病原学检测阳性者。 Great attention should be paid to taking preventive measures and treating cases exhibiting no clinical symptoms but testing positive for novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), said Premier Li Keqiang at a meeting of the leading group on novel coronavirus prevention and control on March 26.
4699 李克强会上指出,疫情发生之初,我们集中主要精力救治新冠病毒有症状感染者,尤其是重症和危重症病人。 At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, the focus was on saving and treating symptomatic patients, especially those in a severe or critical condition,
4700 现在要持续巩固国内疫情防控阶段性成果,在全力救治重症和危重症病人、做好社区防控的同时,高度重视“防治无症状感染者”等群众日益关注的问题。 Premier Li said, emphasizing the need to continue this effort coupled with community-level prevention and control to preserve the current hard-won progress in battling the virus. Now, he said, the prevention and treatment of asymptomatic patients is an urgent priority.
4701 “无症状感染者究竟有无传染性? 病情会不会进一步发展变化?卫健委要组织专家认真研判,拿出科学防治方案。 这是我们巩固疫情防控成果、防止出现防控漏洞的重要内容。” "The National Health Commission should organize experts to carefully study the infectiousness of asymptomatic cases and the evolution of their condition before creating science-based plans for prevention and treatment. This is crucial for us to push ahead with the anti-virus fight without omitting any link,"
4702 总理说,“有关部门要严肃认真对待这一问题,实事求是、及时公开回应社会关切。” the Premier said, adding that related authorities should take it seriously and respond to public concerns in an open, timely and truthful manner.
4703 “无论是通过哪种途径发现的无症状感染者,都要根据医疗规则制定明确的科学防治方案,坚决遏制可能形成的新的病毒感染和疫情传播。”总理说。 The Premier urged designing scientific prevention and treatment solutions suited to detecting asymptomatic infections according to medical rules and resolutely curbing potential new virus infection and spread.