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4704 李克强表示,新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,有关部门一直在根据情况变化不断调整诊疗方案,对于出现无症状感染者这一情况,也要因应变化、科学应对。 Since the outbreak of the disease, related agencies have been adjusting the diagnosis and treatment plan to epidemic dynamics, and now the same scientific responsiveness and adaptation should be reflected in coping with asymptomatic infections, he said.
4705 “总之,我们的目的就是一个:全力保障人民群众的生命健康安全。”总理说。 "In the final analysis, the sole aim is to do our utmost to safeguard the life and health of the people," he added.
4706 外交部副部长郑泽光向拉美和加勒比国家驻华使节通报新冠肺炎疫情防控情况 Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang Briefs Diplomatic Envoys of Latin American and Caribbean States to China on Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus Disease
4707 2020年2月24日,外交部副部长郑泽光分别同巴西驻华大使瓦莱、智利驻华大使施密特、墨西哥驻华大使贝尔纳尔、哥伦比亚驻华大使蒙萨尔韦、秘鲁驻华大使克萨达、特立尼达和多巴哥驻华大使西丹辛格、哥斯达黎加驻华大使德尔加多通电话,通报中方疫情防控情况,并就双边关系交换意见。 On February 24, 2020, Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang had phone calls respectively with Brazilian Ambassador to China Paulo Estivallet, Chilean Ambassador to China Luis Schmidt, Mexican Ambassador to China Jose Bernal, Colombian Ambassador to China Luis Monsalve Hoyos, Trinidad and Tobago's Ambassador to China Stephen Seedansingh and Costa Rican Ambassador to China Rodrigo Delgado Soto, briefing them on the Chinese side's efforts in combating the novel coronavirus disease and exchanging views on bilateral relations.
4708 郑泽光表示,新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,各位使节代表的国家以不同方式向中国表达了慰问和支持,中方对此表示诚挚谢意。   Zheng Zeguang said, since the onset of the epidemic, your countries have conveyed sympathies and support to China in many ways, for which the Chinese side expresses sincere gratitude.
4709 郑泽光指出,在习近平主席亲自指挥、亲自部署下,中国人民万众一心、众志成城,对疫情采取了最全面、最严格、最彻底的防控举措。 Zheng Zeguang said, under the personal command and deployment of President Xi Jinping, the Chinese people have united as one and taken the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough measures.
4710 经过艰苦努力,目前疫情防控形势积极向好的态势正在拓展。 Thanks to all the arduous efforts, the positive momentum of control and prevention is expanding.
4711 我们完全有信心、有能力、有把握打赢这场疫情防控阻击战。 We are confident and capable of winning the battle against the epidemic.
4712 中方将继续秉持构建人类命运共同体的理念,与世界卫生组织和各国加强沟通,开展防控合作,共同维护国际公共卫生安全。 The Chinese side will continue to uphold the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, strengthen communication with the World Health Organization and all countries, and carry out prevention and control cooperation to jointly safeguard international public health security.
4713 郑泽光指出,疫情对中国经济的冲击是短期的、总体上是可控的,中国经济长期向好的基本面没有改变。 Zheng Zeguang noted, the outbreak's impact on the Chinese economy will be short-lived and generally manageable. The fundamentals sustaining China's economy will remain unchanged in the long run.