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4724 Less than 6 months ago, WHO and FIFA signed an agreement to work together to promote health through football. 不到6个月前,世卫组织与国际足联签署了一项协议,双方承诺通力合作,通过足球运动促进健康。
4725 We didn’t know then what we know now that a new virus would emerge that would bring many parts of society to a standstill including the beautiful game. 当时我们并不知道会出现一种新型病毒,使我们社会的众多领域陷入停顿,包括万人瞩目的足球比赛。
4726 Many football matches have stopped but our collaboration has become even more important during these difficult times. In fact, it’s given us the opportunity of working together more closely than we imagined. 许多足球赛事已经停止。在这一艰难时期,我们的合作变得更加重要。事实上,它给了我们一个超乎以前想象的更紧密合作的契机。
4727 Football can reach millions of people, especially younger people, that public health officials cannot. 足球可以激发成千上万人尤其是年轻人的兴致,这是公共卫生官员无法企及的。
4728 Today it’s my great pleasure to welcome my dear brother Gianni Infantino, President of FIFA, to talk about our joint campaign to “Pass the message to kick out coronavirus”. 今天,我非常高兴欢迎我的好兄弟,国际足联主席詹尼·因凡蒂诺谈一谈我们联合发起的 “传递适当信息,踢走冠状病毒” 宣传运动。
4729 I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank FIFA for its generous contribution of US$10 million to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.  我还愿借此机会感谢国际足联向COVID-19团结应对基金慷慨捐款1000万美元。
4730 To date, the fund has raised more than US$70 million, in just 10 days, from more than 187,000 individuals and organizations, to help health workers on the front lines to do their life-saving work, treat patients and advance research for treatments and vaccines. 该基金仅在10天之内就已从18.7万多名个人和组织筹集到了7000多万美元,用于帮助一线医务工作者开展拯救生命的工作,医治患者,推进治疗方法和疫苗研究。
4731 I would also like to thank TikTok for its contribution of US$10 million, and for its valuable support in helping to reach its large, young audience with reliable health information. 我还要感谢抖音捐助了1000万美元,并提供宝贵的支持,帮助广大的年轻用户获得可靠的健康信息。
4732 Speaking of which, our new WhatsApp Health Alert has now attracted 10 million users since we launched it last Friday this is just in 4 days –delivering reliable health information directly to their mobile phones. 说到这里,我们新的WhatsApp健康警报信息服务自上周五推出以来,短短4天就吸引了1000万用户。它直接向手机用户提供可靠的健康信息。
4733 Details on how to sign up are on the front page of our website. The Arabic, French and Spanish versions will be launched this week, and this is the best way to be connected directly with people. 我们的网站首页上有如何注册的详细信息。本周将推出阿拉伯语、法语和西班牙语版。这是与人们保持直接联系的最佳方式。