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4754 |
This is an incredible example of international solidarity. |
这是国际团结互助的光辉典范。 |
4755 |
But it’s not an accident. |
但这绝不是意外。 |
4756 |
WHO has been working with countries for years to build a network of Emergency Medical Teams for exactly this eventuality, to provide surge capacity of high-quality health professionals who can be deployed to care for patients and save lives. |
多年来,世卫组织一直与各国合作,为这类意外情况建立一个紧急医疗队网络,从而提供高质量的专业医务工作者的快速增援能力,部署他们救死扶伤。 |
4757 |
But health workers can only do their jobs effectively when they can do their jobs safely. |
但是只有当医护人员能够安全地工作时,他们才能有效地完成任务。 |
4758 |
We continue to hear alarming reports from around the world of large numbers of infections among health workers. |
我们继续收到世界各地医护人员被大量感染的惊人报道。 |
4759 |
Even if we do everything else right, if we don’t prioritize protecting health workers, many people will die because the health worker who could have saved their life is sick. |
即使我们做对了所有其他事情,但倘若我们不优先考虑保护医护人员,许多人也会因为本来可以挽救他们生命的医护人员生病而丧生。 |
4760 |
As you know, WHO has been working hard with many partners to rationalize and prioritize the use of personal protective equipment. |
正如你们所知,世卫组织一直与许多合作伙伴一道努力合理分配个人防护装备和确定使用重点。 |
4761 |
Addressing the global shortage of these life-saving tools means addressing every part of the supply chain, from raw materials to finished product. |
要解决这些救生工具的全球短缺问题,需要从原材料到成品,疏通供应链的每一个环节。 |
4762 |
Measures put in place to slow the spread of the virus may have unintended consequences by exacerbating shortages of essential protective gear, and the materials needed to make them. |
为减缓病毒传播而采取的措施,可能会加剧基本防护装备以及制造它们所需材料的短缺,进而产生意想不到的后果。 |
4763 |
Solving this problem requires political commitment and political coordination at the global level. This week, I will be addressing heads of state and government from the G20 countries. Among other issues, I will be asking them to work together to increase production, avoid export bans and ensure equity of distribution, on the basis of need. |
解决这一问题需要全球一级作出政治承诺和政治协调。本周,我将与20国集团的国家元首和政府首脑对话,请他们共同努力,增加产量,取消出口禁令,确保按需公平供应。 |