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4794 令我担忧的是,疫情正迅速在全球扩散蔓延。 Yet, what worries me is the rapid spreading of the virus all over the world.
4795 3月11日晚,世界卫生组织宣布,新冠肺炎疫情已经构成全球大流行。谭德赛总干事表示:“我们为它的令人震惊的传播程度和严重性,以及各国令人震惊的不作为深感担忧。” On the night of 11th March, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom announced that “the COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic” and he is “deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, as well as by the alarming levels of inaction (of some countries).”
4796 世卫组织访华专家组组长布鲁斯·艾尔沃德近日表示,随着国际病例的不断增加,他接到的电话也越来越多。 Dr. Bruce Aylward, head of the WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19 recently said, and I quote, that “Now that cases (outside China) are picking up, and my phone is ringing much more.
4797 很多人问他中国是怎么做到的? People are saying: how did China do that? What did they do exactly?
4798 我们该怎么办? What can we do?”
4799 他的答案是,需要速度、资金和决心。 And his answer is simple: China’s counterattack can be replicated, but it will require speed, money, imagination and political courage.
4800 1月中下旬疫情在中国武汉大规模爆发后,中国政府采取了最果断、最决绝、最全面的疫情防控措施。 Since the pandemic outbreak in Wuhan in mid-late January, the Chinese government has been decisive and resolute in taking the most stringent and comprehensive measures to curb its spreading.
4801 果断封闭疫情中心武汉、迅速兴建多家医院、全国统一调配资源支援湖北、各省市创造性实行小区封闭式管理,这一系列举措显示了中国政府的大国担当,显示了中国医务者的专业精干,显示了中国人民的坚韧和自觉。 A series of measures have been taken, showing clearly to the world China’s keeping to its commitments as a responsible major power in the world, the professionalism and devotedness of Chinese medical workers, and the resilience and self-discipline of Chinese people. These measures include the quick and decisive lockdown of Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic, fast construction of mobile cabin hospitals, nationwide coordination and dispatch of resources to Hubei Province as well as the close-off management of residential communities in other provincial and municipal units across the country in accordance with their own situations.
4802 2月24日,中国—世卫组织联合专家考察组发布调查报告指出,中国面对前所未知的病毒采取了历史上最勇敢、最灵活、最积极的防控措施,避免或至少预防了10万病例的发生,构建起防止疫情传播的强有力第一道防线。 On 24th February, a report issued by the WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19 has pointed out that, in combating this novel virus, China has adopted “the most ambitious, agile and aggressive measures ever taken in history, probably preventing at least tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands of cases, making itself the solid frontline in defending mankind against this virus”.
4803 为此中国和中国人民付出了巨大的生命和物质代价,避免了疫情更大范围爆发。 China has paid a huge price as a consequence of this, suffering from a huge loss in both human and material resources, yet saving the whole world a bigger loss and damage.