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4824 正如菲律宾外交部长洛钦所言:“有些政府和个人将一次全人类威胁当作地缘政治工具,这是一种可耻的堕落。” Just as the Philippine foreign minister Teodoro Locsin has said: “We must deplore the lies spread by governments and people who are stooping so low as to use a threat against all humanity as an instrument of geopolitical strategy. Shame on them.”
4825 疫情就像一面镜子,既照出了伪善者的居心叵测,也映照出了一些真朋友的肝胆相照。 The pandemic is like a magic mirror, which tells true friends from false ones.
4826 让我感动的是,在中国人民抗击疫情的过程中,很多国家的社会各界友好人士通过各种方式对中国提供弥足珍贵的支持。 What touched me most is the sincere concern and generous support given by people from different social circles of different countries. They have provided valuable and timely support and assistance in varied forms to China for combating the pandemic which Chinese people will always remember and cherish dearly.
4827 在马来西亚,无论是政府,民间组织,还是个人,都以各自独特的方式,积极向中国施以援手,或捐款捐物支持中国,或制作歌曲、视频为中国人民加油打气。 In Malaysia, the government, social organizations and individuals have offered their helping hand to China and Chinese people. Some have donated materials and money, some have composed songs and made videos to boost Chinese people’s spirit.
4828 捐赠有价,情义无价。 The donation can be priced yet the friendship in it is priceless.
4829 马来西亚人民的每一声“加油”、每一份帮助,展现的都是雪中送炭的大爱大义,都是“遇山一起爬,遇沟一起跨”的真挚情谊! Every call of “China, stay strong”, every piece of aid, coming from our Malaysian friends, is a manifestation of true love and friendship, with the same spirit of the Malay idiom I like most-- “Bukit sama didaki, luruh sama dituruni”.
4830 中国有句话“投我以木桃,报之以琼瑶。” There is a Chinese saying which goes “You spare a peach to me, I give you a white jade for friendship.”
4831 中国人民最念旧情、感恩情,永远不会忘记各国人民对中国的支持帮助和鼓励祝福。 Chinese people cherish friendship, appreciate kindness, and always remember others’ help and support especially in times of difficulties.
4832 中国将在毫不放松继续做好本国疫情防控工作的同时,继续为全球的抗疫斗争做出贡献。 China will continue to fight against the pandemic with perseverance and resolution, making its due contribution to the global fight against COVID-19.
4833 中国已向世界卫生组织和各国分享新冠肺炎诊疗防控方案, Now, China has shared its experiences and lessons learnt from its combat with WHO and other affected countries, including the methods of medical treatments and ways of social mobilization in curbing the virus.