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4834 |
近日还向伊朗、韩国、意大利等疫情最为严重的国家派出医疗专家组、提供医护物资和病毒检测试剂等援助。 |
Besides, China has sent expert groups, medical resources, and virus test kits to the most severely hit countries of Iran, South Korea, and Italy. |
4835 |
作为抗击疫情经验最丰富的国家,中国将当仁不让成为全球抗击疫情的中坚力量。 |
Having the best knowledge of combating the pandemic, China has no hesitation in shouldering on its responsibility as the backbone of the global collective coalition of combating the pandemic. |
4836 |
病毒是全人类的共同敌人。 |
This virus is a common enemy to all mankind. |
4837 |
人类已事实上成为命运共同体,团结合作才是抗疫的最有力武器。 |
As a matter of fact, people of different countries have already formed a community of a shared future. Only unity and cooperation can be the most powerful weapon in defeating this pandemic. |
4838 |
当前,我们必须用科学战胜愚昧,用合作抵制偏见,共同织就疏而不漏的全球病毒“天网”。 |
Now, all countries should work together to weave a global web to contain the spread of this virus. To achieve this, we should rely on science other than blind faith, on cooperation other than prejudice. |
4839 |
大敌当前,各国人民是同舟共济还是以邻为壑? |
With the vicious virus enemy confronting all of us, there are different choices to make. Is it to offer a helping hand or give a hostile blow to others; |
4840 |
是并肩作战还是隔岸观火? |
to fight side by side with one and another or stand by waiting and seeing; |
4841 |
是雪中送炭还是落井下石? |
to give support and solace to the injured ones or add insult to them? |
4842 |
答案不言自明。 |
The right choice is easy to tell. |
4843 |
《傲慢与偏见》中的主要人物有个比较幸福的结局,可能也是由于他们最终放下了心中的傲慢与偏见。 |
The main characters in Pride and Prejudice had a fairly happy ending, probably because they had finally given up their pride and prejudice. |