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4939 |
要保护妇女儿童,保护老年人、残疾人等弱势群体,保障人民基本生活。 |
What's more, we also need to protect women, children, the elderly, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, and provide for people's basic needs. |
4940 |
China will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. We will continue to advance reform and opening-up, widen market access, improve the business environment, and expand imports and outbound investment to contribute to a stable world economy.
4941 |
我呼吁二十国集团成员采取共同举措,减免关税、取消壁垒、畅通贸易,发出有力信号,提振世界经济复苏士气。 |
I want to call on all G20 members to take collective actions - cutting tariffs, removing barriers, and facilitating the unfettered flow of trade. Together, we can send a strong signal and restore confidence for global economic recovery. |
4942 |
The G20 needs to draw up an action plan and promptly set up communication mechanisms and institutional arrangements for anti-epidemic macro policy coordination.
4943 |
Dear Colleagues,
4944 |
值此关键时刻,我们应该直面挑战、迅速行动。 |
Now is a crucial moment, a time for us to rise up to challenge and act with swiftness. |
4945 |
I am convinced that through solidarity and mutual assistance, we will prevail over this outbreak and we all will embrace a brighter future for mankind!
4946 |
谢谢大家。 |
Thank you. |
4947 |
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 25 March 2020 |
世卫组织总干事2020年3月25日在2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)疫情媒体通报会上的讲话 |
4950 |
The pandemic continues to take a massive toll not just on health, but on so many parts of life. |
这场大流行疫情不仅对健康,而且对生活的诸多方面都造成了巨大影响。 |