ID 原文 译文
5131 (向其他国家)提供抗疫物资 to offer supplies in support of the fight against the pandemic
5132 “点对点、一站式”直达运输服务 point-to-point transport services
5133 “米袋子”省长责任制和“菜篮子”市长负责制 systems of holding provincial governors accountable for grain supplies and city mayors for daily food supplies
5134 把问题解决在萌芽之时、成灾之前 to eliminate risks at the source and resolving problems when they first appear
5135 把握好防疫管控的度 Moderation is required in epidemic prevention and control.
5136 保持基本民生服务不断档 to ensure the availability of basic public services
5137 保持社交距离 to enforce/practice social distancing
5138 保障全国生活必需品市场总体稳定 to maintain an overall balance in the market for daily necessities
5139 避免使某个国家或特定群体蒙受污名 to avoid stigmatizing a country or particular group
5140 财政贴息 government interest subsidies