ID 原文 译文
5161 广泛普及疫情防控知识 to disseminate information on epidemic prevention and control
5162 规范和完善信息发布机制 to standardize and improve the information release mechanism
5163 呼吁采取紧急的、积极的行动 to call for urgent and aggressive action
5164 缓缴税款 deferment of taxes
5165 恢复生产生活秩序 to resume work and normal life
5166 基层防控能力 capacity for prevention and control at the community level
5167 激发正能量 to evoke positivity
5168 及时回应社会关切 to provide timely responses to public concerns
5169 及时同国际社会分享信息 timely sharing of information with the international community
5170 加强国家间政策协调 to enhance policy coordination between countries