ID 原文 译文
5191 凝聚起战胜疫情的强大合力 to form strong synergies to beat the pandemic
5192 农副产品生产、流通、供应 production, distribution, and supply of agricultural products
5193 派出医疗小组协助抗疫 to send medical teams to help combat the coronavirus
5194 强化公共卫生法治保障 to strengthen the legal framework of public health
5195 入境航班将分流至指定机场 to redirect inbound flights to designated airports
5196 入境人员闭环管理 to ensure a seamless and hermetic process for managing the quarantine and monitoring of travelers arriving in China
5197 使用存量资金 to tap into unallocated funds
5198 适时下调响应级别并实行动态调整 to downgrade their emergency response level in due course and make dynamic adjustments
5199 适应公众获取信息渠道的变化 to meet people’s evolving ways of acquiring information
5200 守望相助、同舟共济 to support each other/to stand closely together in difficult times