ID 原文 译文
59267 尊敬的英中贸协主席古沛勤爵士, Sir Sherard,
59268 英中贸协、48家集团俱乐部和英国中国商会各位企业家, Members of the China Britain Business Council, the 48 Group Club and the China Chamber of Commerce in the UK:
59269 女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen:
59270 大家上午好! Good morning!
59271 很高兴参加英中贸协网上座谈会。 It is a real delight to join you at CBBC webinar.
59272 尽管我们现在面临各种困难,但借助现代科技手段,我们仍可以就共同关心的重要问题在线交流。 Thanks to modern technology, we are able to exchange views on line on some very important issues to both our countries in this difficult time.
59273 当前,新冠肺炎疫情仍在全球蔓延,给人类社会带来严峻挑战, The spread of Covid-19 around the world poses a grave challenge to human society.
59274 严重威胁人民生命安全和身体健康,严重冲击全球生产和需求,严重影响经济社会发展。 It seriously threatens the safety and health of the people, strikes a heavy blow to global production and demand, and severely undermines the economy and our societies.
59275 这场危机对世界各国而言,都是一次重大考验, This public health crisis is a major test to all countries of the world.
59276 使我们对构建人类命运共同体有了更切身的体会,对世界百年未有之大变局有了更深刻的认识。 It is living proof that the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century and that, in this world, we all belong to a community with a shared future.