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59297 中英是共同抗疫的合作伙伴。 China and the UK are partners in the battle against Covid-19.
59298 在一个多月时间里,习近平主席与约翰逊首相两次通话,就中英合作抗疫和两国关系达成重要共识。 In a matter of one month, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Boris Johnson had two telephone conversations, during which they reached important agreement on China-UK joint response to the virus and the overall China-UK relations.
59299 胡春华副总理与英国财政大臣苏纳克、中央外事工作委员会办公室杨洁篪主任与英国内阁秘书兼首相国家安全顾问塞德维尔、王毅国务委员兼外长与英国外交大臣拉布、卫生健康委马晓伟主任与英国卫生大臣汉考克多次通电话,我在伦敦与英国政府主管大臣和高官保持沟通。 There have been frequent telephone conversations:Between Vice Premier Hu Chunhua and Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak;Between Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi and Cabinet Secretary and National Security Adviser Sir Mark Sedwill;Between State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab;And between Health Minister Ma Xiaowei and Health Secretary Matt Hancock. I myself have close communication with UK government secretaries, ministers and senior officials.
59300 中英在抗疫中密切协调合作,不仅相互提供抗疫物资,而且加强防疫信息分享和经验交流,推进疫苗和药物研发等领域合作。 China and the UK have engaged in close coordination and cooperation in fighting against the epidemic. We have provided each other medical supplies, shared information and experience, and conducted joint R&D of vaccine and medicines.
59301 中英两国都坚定支持多边主义,支持世卫组织在全球抗疫中发挥重要作用,支持加强二十国集团框架内的抗疫合作,推动完善全球卫生治理。 China and the UK are both strong advocates of multilateralism. We both support the important role of the WHO in the global response to the virus, stand for stronger cooperation under the framework of the G20, and work to improve global public health governance.
59302 中英两国都是经济全球化和贸易自由化的重要参与者、推动者、获益者。在这个特殊时期,两国更应坚持奉行开放共赢理念,坚定支持自由贸易,坚决捍卫多边主义,共同保障全球产业链、供应链的开放、稳定和安全。 Both China and the UK are important participants, facilitators and beneficiaries of economic globalisation and trade liberalisation. In this difficult time, it is all the more important that our two countries uphold open and win-win cooperation, support free trade, safeguard multilateralism and ensure that the global industrial and supply chains are open, stable and safe.
59303 当国际社会集中力量共同抗疫的时候,美国一些政客却到处造谣诽谤。 While the international community is focusing on the fight against Covid-19, some US politicians are busy with spreading rumours and slanders.
59304 他们罔顾中国为世界抗疫做出的巨大努力、巨大牺牲和巨大贡献,将疫情政治化、把病毒标签化、对中国污名化。 They turned a blind eye to China's enormous efforts, sacrifice and contribution, and politicize public health issue by sticking the virus label on a specific region and stigmatizing China.
59305 令人遗憾的是,英国也有少数政客,沉迷于冷战思维,把中国比作前苏联,有的要对中英关系进行“重新审视”,有的要发动新的冷战。 Regrettably, a few politicians in the UK have been addicted to the Cold-War mindset. They compare China to the former Soviet Union, urge a "review" of China-UK relationship and even call for a new Cold War.
59306 这些言论是一种“政治病毒”,如任其发展,将毒化中英两国乃至国际社会团结抗疫的气氛,损害中英政治互信和各领域合作。 Such talks are a "political virus". If go unchecked, they will poison China-UK joint effort and even international solidarity just as it is needed most in the battle we are fighting. They will also undermine China-UK political mutual trust and cooperation across the board.