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59307 我们对此必须高度警惕,强烈反对,坚决抵制。 We must stay on high alert and say no to these remarks.
59308 我们要奉劝他们:中国不是前苏联。冷战的时代早已结束,和平与发展是当今时代的主题,也是中英共同致力于实现的目标。 We should make it clear to the trumpeters of such fallacy that China is not the former Soviet Union, that the Cold War has ended for good, and that peace and development are the theme of our times and the common goal of China and the United Kingdom.
59309 中英企业家一直是推动中英友好合作的生力军,也是促进世界繁荣稳定的重要力量。 The Chinese and British business communities have always played an important role in developing China-UK friendly cooperation and promoting prosperity and stability in the world.
59310 尽管这次疫情造成中英贸易额短期下滑,一些企业难免面临回款、物流等方面困难,但中英两国经济优势互补的事实没有变,经贸投资合作的基础没有变,两国企业对中英合作的信心也没有变。 The outbreak of Covid-19 has caused temporary slide in China-UK trade. Some companies may encounter difficulties in payment collection and logistics. On the brighter side, the positive factors of China-UK relations remain unchanged:The economies of our two countries are still highly complementary;The foundation for economic, trade and investment collaboration is still solid. Our businesses are still confident in China-UK cooperation.
59311 在中国的文字中,“危机”一词既包括“危”,也包括“机”,我们注重危中寻机、化危为机。 The Chinese word for "crisis" is a combination of two meanings, namely, crisis and opportunities. In face of a crisis, we always focus on finding opportunities in the crisis and turning the crisis into opportunities.
59312 如何化危为机,实现逆势发展,我有三点建议: In this time of difficulties, how do we turn the crisis into opportunities and speed up development? I have the following three suggestions:
59313 一是抓住中国经济率先复苏的机遇。 First, as China's economy takes the lead to recover, there will be opportunities up for grabs.
59314 随着中国疫情防控向好态势进一步巩固,中国经济复苏发展的态势稳健。 China has Covid-19 under control and continues to consolidate the initial success. Its economy is showing a steady momentum of recovery.
59315 截至4月下旬,中国规模以上工业企业平均开工率已达99.1%,人员复岗率达到95.1%。 As of the end of April, 99.1% of the large-scale enterprises have been reopened, and 95.1% of staff and workers are back to work.
59316 中国4月份制造业采购经理人指数为50.8%,连续两个月处于荣枯线以上。 Manufacturing PMI was above the threshold in both March and April, reaching 50.8% in April.