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59317 根据中国商务部对8200多家外资重点企业的调查,截至4月28日,复产率超过70%的外资企业占76.6%。 According to a survey conducted by China's Ministry of Commerce covering more than 8,200 key foreign companies, 76.6% have powered-on over 70% of their production capacity by April 28th.
59318 此次疫情也为中国经济加快转型升级带来机会,包括“宅经济”、“云办公”、数字经济、人工智能、医疗健康等领域都具有很大发展潜力。 The battle against Covid-19 has also created opportunities for China's economic transformation and upgrading. It has given rise to "stay-at-home economy", "cloud office", digital economy, artificial intelligence and health care. The potential for further growth in these areas will be huge.
59319 例如,中国已经成为全球医疗用品的主要供应地,这不仅是中国对全球抗疫的贡献,也有助于打造未来的产业链、供应链。 China has become a major global supplier of medical products. This represents China's contribution to the global response to Covid-19 pandemic, and helps strengthen the industrial and supply chains for these products in the future.
59320 中国将继续扮演“世界工厂”、“世界市场”的角色,仍将是世界经济发展的重要动力源。 China will continue to be the "factory" and the "market" of the world. And China will remain an important powerhouse for world economic growth.
59321 希望英国企业审时度势、抢占先机,借力中国经济,率先踏上复苏发展的轨道。 It is my hope that British businesses will seize the opportunities in China's economy and take the lead in global economic recovery once the pandemic is over.
59322 二是抓住构建开放型世界经济的机遇。 Second, as China pursues open world economy, there will be opportunities up for grabs.
59323 中国过去40多年来取得巨大成功,得益于改革开放; China's enormous success in the past 40 plus years is attributed to reform and opening up.
59324 中国未来继续成功,有赖于坚持改革开放。 Going forward, deeper reform and further opening up will continue to enable China to achieve even greater success.
59325 因此,不管全球新冠肺炎疫情向何处发展,中国的改革将继续推进,对世界开放的大门将越开越大。 China will continue deepening reform and opening its market wider to the world. This will not be held back by Covid-19.
59326 当前中国政府正全面落实准入前国民待遇加负面清单制度,研究进一步压减负面清单条目,同时继续推进自贸试验区、自由贸易港建设。 The Chinese Government is implementing fully the policy of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list. It is also working on shortening the negative list, and promoting the building of pilot free trade zones and free trade ports.