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59407 但是中国有没有错,只需让事实说话。 Is China really to blame? Here are some facts:
59408 首先,有目共睹,正是得益于中国政府采取的最严格的防控举措、中国人民作出的巨大牺牲,中国的抗疫工作才取得了今天的阶段性成果,最大程度地保护了中国人民的生命安全和身体健康,也为阻止疫情在世界蔓延争取了宝贵时间。 First, China has taken strict measures and made huge sacrifices to keep the virus in check, which not only saved lives at home but also bought precious time for the world.
59409 其次,面对这种全新病毒的侵袭,中方已尽力做到公开、透明、负责任通报。 Second, China has done its best to share information about the virus.
59410 2019年12月27日,湖北省一位医生第一时间上报了3个可疑病例,此后的4天时间里,湖北方面和中央层面先后开展了实地调查。 On Dec. 27, a doctor in Hubei province reported three suspicious cases. In the following four days, local and central governments conducted investigations on the ground.
59411 2020年1月3日,仅仅一周之内,中方开始正式向世卫组织以及包括美国在内的世界各国及时主动通报信息。 On Jan. 3 within a week China began briefing the WHO, the United States and other countries about the outbreak.
59412 1月12日,中国又及时向世界公布了新型冠状病毒全基因组序列,为有关国家确诊、治疗及疫苗研发等提供了重要前提。 On Jan. 12, China released the whole genome sequence of the coronavirus, which has proved critical for diagnosis and treatment of the disease globally.
59413 再次,我们早就跟美方分享了信息,也一直在支持美方抗疫努力。 Third, we shared information with the United States at the earliest possible time and have been supporting its fight against the disease.
59414 1月4日以来,两国疾控中心及主管部门一直就疫情保持着沟通。 The two countries’ centers for disease control and prevention and government agencies have been in close communication since Jan. 4, the day after China briefed the WHO.
59415 更值得一提的是,习近平主席在过去两个月与特朗普总统的两度通话中,亲自详细介绍了中方为打好疫情防控阻击战采取的举措。 In their phone calls, President Xi Jinping gave detailed accounts of China’s measures to President Trump.
59416 截至4月29日,我们向美方提供了44.46亿只口罩,按人均分配,每个美国人差不多可以拥有14只来自中国的口罩。 By April 29, China had provided, according to our customs figures, more than 4 billion masks to the United States, or roughly 14 for every American on average.