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59618 The role of UN Human Rights is to protect the rights of everyone and in the context of the pandemic a particular emphasis is given to the groups of people whose right to health may be most affected. 联合国人权高专办的作用是保护每个人的权利,在此次大流行病的情况下,我们尤其关注健康权可能受到最大影响的群体。
59619 For example, persons living with disabilities, how will we ensure that they have access to healthcare and regular needed check-up in situations of confinement? 例如,我们要如何确保残疾人在禁闭状况下获得医疗服务和必要的定期检查?
59620 However, our work goes much beyond the right to health. 但是,我们的工作内容远不止健康权的范畴。
59621 For example, we need to consider how to ensure that the issue of sexual and gender-based violence is mainstreamed as, unfortunately, it is becoming more prevalent in situations of confinement. 例如,我们需要考虑如何确保将性暴力和性别暴力问题纳入主流工作,因为,不幸的是,这一问题在禁闭状况下正变得越来越普遍。
59622 These are just two examples but we need to identify which are the most vulnerable groups and try to advocate, be their voice and speak up for them to ensure that no one is left behind. 这只是两个例子,但我们需要查明哪些人属于最脆弱群体,并努力为其奔走、成为他们的声音、为他们而发声,以确保没有人掉队。
59623 I think this is the role that the Office should play. 我想这就是办事处应该发挥的作用。
59624 Another element that I think we need to be very mindful of is prevention, looking beyond the immediate and getting prepared. 我认为需要非常关注的另一个内容就是预防,我们应该具备长远眼光、未雨绸缪。
59625 We are in a region where there are humanitarian crises and conflict in so many countries; there is a migration crisis, internally displaced persons, violent extremism... 在我们所处的西非,许多国家内部都存在人道主义危机和冲突,如移民危机、境内流离失所、暴力极端主义等等。
59626 These contribute to a completely different area of concerns in the context of a pandemic. 在大流行病的情况下,这些问题在许多截然不同的领域都造成了关切。
59627 It would be difficult to assess the magnitude of the upcoming economic slowdown and to which degree it would affect certain groups of people disproportionately. 要评估即将到来的经济放缓程度和它会在多大程度上对某些群体造成尤为严重的影响,可能是困难的。