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59728 In many cases, refugee, migrant and internally displaced children, as well as returnees, are experiencing reduced access to services and protection and increasing exposure to xenophobia and discrimination. 在许多情况下,难民、移民和境内流离失所儿童以及回返者获得的服务和保护会减少,并遭受更多的歧视和仇外。
59729 “We have seen what the pandemic is doing to countries with developed health systems and we are concerned about what it would do to countries with weaker systems and fewer available resources,” said Fore.  我们已经看到疫情对于拥有发达卫生系统的国家造成的影响,我们很担心它对那些卫生系统较弱且物资匮乏的国家将造成的影响。”福尔说。
59730 UNICEF is focusing its response to the pandemic on countries with existing humanitarian crises working both to prevent transmission and mitigate the collateral impacts on children, women and vulnerable populations, especially around access to health, nutrition, water and sanitation, education and protection. 联合国儿童基金会正在重点应对存在人道主义危机的国家的疫情大流行——在努力防止疫情扩散的同时,消除疫情对儿童、 妇女和弱势群体的间接影响,尤其是在获得卫生保健、营养、水和卫生设施、教育及保护方面。
59731 UNICEF has so far received US $215 million in support of its response to the pandemic. 联合国儿童基金会迄今已收到2.15亿美元捐款以支持应对疫情。
59732 Additional funding will help UNICEF build upon results already achieved which include: 更多的资金将帮助联合国儿童基金会在如下现有成果的基础上继续努力:
59733 Over 1.67 billion people reached with COVID-19 prevention messaging around hand washing and cough and sneeze hygiene; 向超过16.7亿人提供有关科学洗手以及咳嗽和打喷嚏礼仪的防 疫信息;
59734 Over 12 million people reached with critical water, sanitation and hygiene supplies; 向超过1200万人提供了重要的水、环境卫生和个人卫生用品;
59735 UNICEF has shipped more than 6.6 million gloves, 1.3 million surgical masks, 428,000 N95 respirators, 291,000 gowns, 13,000 goggles, 63,500 face shields, 200 oxygen concentrators and 34,500 diagnostic tests for COVID-19, in support of 52 countries as they respond to the pandemic;  联合国儿童基金会已经向52个国家输送了超过660万只手套、130万只外科口罩、42.8万只N95口罩、29.1万套防护服、1.3万副护 目镜、6.35万个防护面罩、200台制氧机以及3.45万支诊断试剂 ,以支持这些国家应对疫情;
59736 Nearly 80 million children reached with distance or home-based learning;  近8000万儿童实现了远程或在家学习;
59737 Over 10.9 million children and women receiving essential healthcare services in UNICEF supported facilities; and 超过1090万儿童和妇女在联合国儿童基金会支持的设施中接受了基本医疗服务;