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59768 Continue breastfeeding their baby even if they are infected or suspect being infected as the virus has not been found in samples of breastmilk. 目前尚未在母乳样本中检测出病毒,对于2019冠状病毒病感染或疑似感染妇女所分娩的新生儿,母亲可以继续母乳喂养。
59769 Mothers with COVID-19 should wear a mask when feeding their baby; 确诊2019冠状病毒病的母亲在喂养婴儿时应佩戴口罩;
59770 wash hands before and after touching the baby; 与婴儿密切接触之前和之后应做好手部清洁;
59771 and routinely clean and disinfect surfaces; 并应定期清洁和消毒婴儿用品;
59772 Continue to hold the newborn and perform skin-to-skin care; 继续开展和宝宝的皮肤接触;
59773 Ask their midwife or doctor where they feel is the safest place to give birth and have a birth plan in place to reduce anxiety and to ensure they get to the place on time; 征求助产士或医生的意见,以确定最安全的分娩场所,同时与他们共同制定分娩方案,以确保他们能够及时到达分娩场所。这样做还能缓解自己的焦虑情绪。
59774 Continue medical support, including routine immunizations, after the baby is born. 确保宝宝在出生后持续获得包括常规免疫接种等在内的卫生保健服务。
59775 Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, an estimated 2.8 million pregnant women and newborns died every year, or 1 every 11 seconds, mostly of preventable causes. 即使在 2019冠状病毒病大流行之前,每年据估算都有280万名孕 产妇和新生儿死亡,即每11秒就有1人死亡,而这其中的大部分 都死于可预防的疾病。
59776 UNICEF calls for immediate investment in health workers with the right training, who are equipped with the right medicines to ensure every mother and newborn is cared for by a safe pair of hands to prevent and treat complications during pregnancy, delivery and birth. 为此,联合国儿童基金会呼吁立即进行投入,以确保卫生工作者能得到恰当的培训,配备有所需的药物,为每一名孕产妇和新生儿提供安全护理,确保妊娠与分娩前后可能出现的并发症得到有效预防或治疗。
59777 “This is a particularly poignant Mother’s Day, as many families have been forced apart during the coronavirus pandemic,” Fore said. 许多家庭的成员在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间被迫分离,因此今年的母亲节对许多人来说将是一个格外辛酸的日子。” 福尔说,