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59878 有关细节世卫组织已做出了详细澄清。 The WHO has made a detailed clarification on it.
59879 希望有关媒体恪守新闻职业道德,不要散播虚假信息。 We hope certain media can observe professional ethics and stop spreading disinformation.
59880 中新社记者:5月8日中俄两国元首通电话时,普京总统表示反对借疫情指责中国。 China News Service: While speaking by phone with President Xi, Russian President Putin said that Russia opposes finger-pointing at China under the pretext of the virus.
59881 俄罗斯总统新闻秘书、外长、驻华大使等官员及有关专家学者近来均表示反对将疫情政治化, Lately Russian officials and experts including Kremlin spokesman, foreign minister and ambassador to China all spoke against politicizing the pandemic and using it as a possible political weapon.
59882 认为应通过公正的科学研究调查真相,不应将疫情用作可能的政治武器。 They insisted on finding the truth through objective and scientific research.
59883 中方对俄方上述表态有何评论? What's your comment?
59884 赵立坚:我们注意到,针对个别国家企图借疫情对中国污名化、“甩锅”的行径,普京总统、拉夫罗夫外长均明确表达反对立场。 Zhao Lijian: We have noted that President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov explicitly expressed objection to a handful of countries' attempts to smear China and pin the blame on it with regard to COVID-19.
59885 日前,多位俄罗斯政界、学界人士也纷纷仗义执言,指出“五眼联盟”发布的所谓“中国隐瞒新冠肺炎疫情信息的报告”的荒谬之处。 Many Russian political figures and academics have also spoken up recently, laying bare the absurdity of the Five Eyes report accusing China of covering up the coronavirus.
59886 中方对俄方客观公正的立场表示高度赞赏。 China highly appreciates the Russian side's objective and just position.
59887 俄方这一立场充分体现了中俄关系的高水平, This stands as a strong illustration of the high-level China-Russia relationship.