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60081 On current trends, WHO estimates that this year, 2020, approximately 1 billion people (almost 13 per cent of the global population) will be spending at least 10% of their household budgets on health care. 根据目前趋势,世卫组织估计,今年,即2020年,将有近10亿人(几乎占全球人口的13%)会把至少10%的家庭预算用于卫生保健。
60082 The majority of these people live in lower middle-income countries. 这些人大多数生活在中等偏下收入国家。
60083 “The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the need to protect people from health emergencies, 世卫组织助理总干事Samira Asma博士说:“COVID-19大流行突出表明,必须保护人们免受突发卫生事件的影响,
60084 as well as to promote universal health coverage and healthier populations to keep people from needing health services through multisecotral interventions like improving basic hygiene and sanitation,” said Dr Samira Asma, Assistant Director General at WHO. 而且要通过多部门干预措施,如改善基本的个人卫生和环境卫生等,来促进全民健康覆盖并改善人口健康,减少人们对卫生服务的需求”。
60085 In 2017, more than half (55%) of the global population was estimated to lack access to safely-managed sanitation services, and more than one quarter (29%) lacked safely-managed drinking water. 2017年,估计全球一半以上人口(55%)缺乏得到安全管理的环境卫生服务,四分之一以上人口(29%)缺乏得到安全管理的饮用水。
60086 In the same year, two in five households globally (40%) lacked basic handwashing facilities with soap and water in their home.  同年,全球五分之二的家庭(40%)缺乏基本洗手设施,家中没有肥皂和水。
60087 The World Health Statistics also highlight the need for stronger data and health information systems. 《世界卫生统计》还强调需要更可靠的数据和卫生信息系统。
60088 Uneven capacities to collect and use accurate, timely, and comparable health statistics, undermining countries’ ability to understand population health trends, develop appropriate policies, allocate resources and prioritize interventions.  收集和使用准确、及时且可比的卫生统计数据的能力参差不齐,削弱了低收入国家在了解人口健康趋势、制定适当政策、分配资源和注重干预方面的能力。
60089 For almost a fifth of countries, over half of the key indicators have no recent primary or direct underlying data, another major challenge in enabling countries to prepare for, prevent and respond to health emergencies such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 对于近五分之一的国家而言,半数以上关键指标不具备最新的原始或直接基础数据,这是影响国家防范、预防和应对突发卫生事件(如当前的COVID-19大流行)的另一个重大挑战。
60090 WHO is therefore supporting countries in strengthening surveillance and data and health information systems so they can measure their status and manage improvements.   因此,世卫组织正在支持各国加强监测系统以及数据和卫生信息系统,使其能够衡量自身状况并设法做出改进。