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62615 |
坚持全国一盘棋 |
to ensure a coordinated national response |
62616 |
坚定信心、同舟共济、科学防治、精准施策 |
to strengthen confidence and solidarity and take science-based and targeted measures |
62617 |
坚决打赢疫情防控的人民战争、总体战、阻击战 |
be determined to fight and win the battle against the epidemic by mobilizing all resources, and blocking the spread of the virus |
62618 |
紧紧扭住城乡社区防控和患者救治两个关键 |
to focus on stemming the spread at the community level and having all patients cared for |
62619 |
尽最大可能控制疫情波及范围 |
to make every possible effort to curb the spread of the disease |
62620 |
科学防治、依法防治、精准防治、深入落实 |
to implementation of targeted science- and law-based, legal, and targeted measures in epidemic prevention and control |
62621 |
科学战“疫” |
science-based approach in fighting the epidemic |
62622 |
生命安全和生物安全领域的重大科技成果是国之重器。 |
Major scientific and technological achievements in the fields of life safety and biosecurity are of vital importance to our country. |
62623 |
生命重于泰山。 |
Saving lives is of paramount importance. |
62624 |
闻令即动、勇挑重担 |
to respond promptly when called upon and assume great responsibilities |