ID 原文 译文
62715 统一的应急物资保障体系 unified emergency supply system
62716 突出重点、统筹兼顾、分类指导、分区施策 to focus on key issues, strengthen coordination, give sector-specific guidance, and apply targeted policies to different areas
62717 推进疫情防控的好经验好做法 to promote best practices in prevention and control from across the country
62718 外地滞留在鄂人员安全有序返乡 People stranded in Hubei return home in a safe and orderly manner.
62719 外防输入、内防反弹 to prevent the coronavirus from re-entering the country to cause a new epidemic
62720 网格化管理 digital management for a matrix of urban communities
62721 卫生检疫 health and quarantine
62722 污染集中处理 centralized treatment of medical waste
62723 污水处理 sewage disposal
62724 消毒 disinfection