ID 原文 译文
62906 野味 bushmeat; game
62907 以武汉市为主战场的全国本土疫情传播已基本阻断 The domestic coronavirus outbreak, centered in the city of Wuhan, has been contained in China/is now effectively under control in China.
62908 疫情防控工作到了关键阶段 The battle against the epidemic has arrived at a crucial moment.
62909 疫情防控重点地区 key regions in epidemic prevention and control
62910 疫情峰值 epidemic peak
62911 疫情高发区 severely-hit regions (areas); areas (regions) with high infection rates
62912 疫情重灾区 epicenter of the outbreak
62913 英雄的城市 heroic city
62914 有害垃圾 hazardous waste
62915 “钻石公主”号邮轮 Diamond Princess cruise ship