ID 原文 译文
63178 投我以木桃,报之以琼瑶。 You toss me a peach, I give you a white jade in return.
63179 团结定能胜利。(援助法国,源自雨果) United we shall overcome.
63180 团结就是力量。(援助比利时,源自其民族格言) Unity is strength.
63181 向其他出现疫情扩散的国家和地区提供力所能及的援助 to provide assistance within our capacity to other countries and regions affected by the pandemic
63182 亚当子孙皆兄弟,兄弟犹如手足亲。(援助伊朗,源自古波斯诗人萨迪) The sons of Adam are limbs of one, having been created of one essence.
63183 疫情无国界,人间有真情。 Virus knows no borders, but the worst of times reveals the best in people.
63468 Since the COVID-19 outbreak, “the instability and fear that the pandemic engenders is exacerbating existing human rights concerns, such as discrimination against certain groups”, as pointed out by the UN Secretary-General in a policy brief on COVID-19 and Human Rights.  正如联合国秘书长在关于新冠疫情与人权的政策简报中所指出,自爆发以来,“疫情所引起的不稳定性和恐惧正在加剧现有的人权问题,例如对某些群体的歧视问题”。
63469 Ms E. Tendayi Achiume and Mr Fernand de Varennes, respectively the UN Special Rapporteurs on contemporary forms of racism and on minority issues, also reported on COVID-19-related attacks against minority groups worldwide. 联合国当代形式种族主义问题特别报告员阿丘梅和联合国少数群体问题特别报告员德瓦雷纳也报告了世界范围内与新冠疫情有关的针对少数群体的攻击事件。
63470 Despite the scarcity of data on this phenomenon, the discriminatory incidents reported in newspaper articles and on social media seem to confirm that this is a global phenomenon. 尽管关于这一现象的相关数据不多,但报纸文章和社交媒体报道的歧视性事件似乎证实了这是一种全球现象。
63471 The information received by 10 UNESCO Chairs on the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups illustrates how their respective countries were affected.  通过10个教科文组织教席收集的新冠疫情对弱势群体影响的相关信息,我们可以了解这些国家各自受到了什么样的影响。