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63482 |
If, at the very beginning targets were those erroneously considered as the cause of the disease, the fear of contagion led progressively to attacks also against people who, for different reasons, were particularly exposed to the virus.
63483 |
As quoted by the UNESCO Chair on housing at the University Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona in Spain, the targets of discriminatory attacks changed over the weeks as “another type of stigmatization arose out of the fear of being infected.” |
正如西班牙塔拉戈纳市罗维拉·依维尔基里大学教科文组织“住房问题”教席所引述,歧视性攻击的目标在几周内发生了改变,因为“对病毒感染的恐惧产生了另一种污名化”。 |
63484 |
In some cases, this fear resulted in threats against healthcare workers and supermarkets clerks who were at risk of being infected in their workplaces. |
这种恐惧有时会导致医务人员和超市员工遭受威胁,因为他们在工作场所有被感染的风险。 |
63485 |
For instance, the UNESCO Chair in conflict resolution at the University of Córdoba reported that healthcare professionals were asked by their communities not to go back to their homes, so as to avoid contaminating their neighbours. |
例如,据科尔多瓦大学教科文组织“冲突解决”教席报告称,有些社区要求医务人员不要回家,以免感染邻居。 |
63486 |
In other cases, the fear of contagion led to stigma and discriminatory attacks against the homeless who, due to their predicament, cannot comply with the lockdown, nor apply other basic preventive measures.
63487 |
All these incidents seem to confirm that, in times of crisis and great uncertainty, especially of such magnitude as the one we are currently experiencing, people tend to look for scapegoats in order to vent their frustrations, worries and fears.
63488 |
Countering stigma through enhanced solidarity and awareness-raising
63489 |
As the pandemic escalated, international and regional organizations called on states for solidarity, not only in tackling the health emergency but also its impacts, especially on the most vulnerable.
63490 |
In many countries, responses took the form of mass media campaigns launched by national and local authorities, and civil society. |
在许多国家,国家政府、地方政府及民间团体发起了大众传媒运动以应对这一问题。 |
63491 |
These had the following objectives: to call for citizen’s solidarity and to contribute to changing people’s attitudes towards groups who are at risk of discrimination in a specific context. |
这些运动的目标在于:呼吁公民团结一致,并帮助改变人们在特定情况下对可能受到歧视的群体的态度。 |