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63809 而且因为疫情,我们面临一个很大的难题,就是疫情防控措施会抑制消费。 One big challenge we have confronted in coping with COVID-19 is that containment efforts have had a dampening effect on consumption.
63810 我们按这样的方向推动政策实施,也是市场化的改革。 Hence, measures in this direction are also part of our market-oriented reform.
63811 其次,我们强调政策资金要直达基层、直达企业、直达民生。 Second, the funds made available will all be used to support primary-level governments and businesses, and ensure people's livelihood.
63812 新增的赤字和抗疫特别国债资金全部转给地方,省里也只是“过路财神”,要直达基层。 The increase of budget deficits and funds raised from the issuance of government bonds for COVID-19 control will all be channeled to primary-level governments. Even provincial governments will be just passers-by to these funds.
63813 可能有人会问,那基层就能把这笔钱用好吗? Some people may ask whether primary-level governments can ensure all the funds will be put to best use.
63814 我们要采取一个特殊的转移支付机制,这些钱要全部落到企业特别是中小微企业,落到社保、低保、失业、养老和特困人员身上。 In this respect, a special transfer payment mechanism will be established to see that companies, especially smaller firms, will truly benefit from these funds, and people who live on social security schemes, subsistence allowance, unemployment benefits, old-age support and those living in difficulties will be able to benefit.
63815 要建立实名制,这些都是有账可查的,决不允许做假账,也决不允许偷梁换柱。 Real-name records will be established, and no cooking of books or embezzlement will ever be allowed.
63816 我们会瞪大眼睛盯着,也欢迎社会监督。 We will keep our eyes wide open and welcome public supervision.
63817 我们采取措施的最终效果要让市场主体和人民群众认可。 Eventually, the delivery of these measures will have to be recognized by businesses and our people.
63818 中央政府这次带头过紧日子,我们把中央部门的非急需非刚性支出压缩了一半以上,调出资金用于基层、企业和民生。 The Central Government will lead by example in living on a tight budget. We will cut over 50 percent of outlays on non-essential, non-obligatory expenditures at the central government level, and the money saved will be mainly used to support primary-level governments, enterprises and people's basic living needs.