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63819 各级政府都要过紧日子,决不允许搞形式主义,干那些大手大脚花钱的事。 Governments at all levels must tighten their belts, and reject pointless formalities and spending splurges.
63820 刚才我比较多地讲了扩大消费,但并不是说不要投资,我们还要扩大有效投资。 Just now, I talked more about boosting consumption. That doesn't mean investment is not important. We will also expand effective investment.
63821 这次新增地方政府专项债券1.6万亿元,再加上一些国债,有2万亿元的规模,这在规模性政策当中占到百分之二三十。 There will be an increase of 1.6 trillion RMB yuan of special local government bonds this year, and some treasury bonds as well, with the total amount topping 2 trillion RMB yuan. They account for between 20 and 30 percent of the funds made available under the sizable-scale policies we introduced this year.
63822 我们投资的重点是“两新一重”,就是新型基础设施、新型城镇化和涉及国计民生的重大项目,而且要用改革的办法,用这些资金来撬动社会资金的投入。 The focus of the funds will be on new infrastructures and new-type urbanization and key projects for national development. We will rely on reforms in undertaking these programs and mobilize private sector investment.
63823 项目要有效益、有回报,要经过科学论证、按规律办事、不留后遗症。 And the projects supported must generate good returns, and be well-calibrated and delivered according to economic laws to avoid undesirable results.
63824 中国时报记者:今年两会因为疫情延到5月举行,这个时间点刚好跟“5·20”非常接近。 China Times: Because of COVID-19, the Two Sessions this year have been postponed to May, which is quite close to the date of 20 May.
63825 在民进党继续执政的情况下,未来大陆对台政策的总体考量是什么?未来将如何继续推进两岸关系发展? As the DPP continues to govern in Taiwan, what is the overall consideration of the mainland concerning its policy toward Taiwan? And what will the mainland do to promote relations across the Taiwan Strait?
63826 李克强:我在政府工作报告中已经说了,我们对台的大政方针是一贯的,也是世人共知的。 Premier Li: As I said in the Government Work Report, our principles and policies toward Taiwan have been consistent and well-known to the international community.
63827 要坚持一个中国原则、坚持“九二共识”、坚决反对“台独”。 We will stay committed to the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus. We will continue to firmly oppose "Taiwan independence".
63828 在这个政治基础上,我们愿同台湾各党派、团体和人士就两岸关系和民族未来对话协商,推动两岸和平发展,我们愿以最大诚意,尽最大努力促进祖国和平统一。 Based on this political foundation, we are ready to have dialogue and consultation with any party, group or personage in Taiwan regarding cross-Strait relations and the future of the Chinese nation, and promote peaceful growth of cross-Strait relations. We will continue to show maximum sincerity and do our very utmost to promote peaceful reunification of China.