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63839 这几天我看中国政府网上的留言,大概三分之一都是谈就业的。 Of all the comments posted by netizens on the Chinese government portal website, some one third are about jobs.
63840 其中有一位农民工说他50多岁了,在外打工30多年,每年如此,但今年还没有找到工作,全家都陷入困境。 One of them was posted by a rural migrant worker in his 50s. He said that over the past 30 plus years, he had been working in cities every year. But so far this year he has been unable to find a job and the whole family is now in difficulty.
63841 还有一些个体工商户,已经歇业几个月了。 Many self-employed individuals have seen their businesses grinding to a halt for several months.
63842 一些外贸企业现在没有订单,影响员工就业。 And some export companies have also been in great difficulty for lack of orders. This is affecting the jobs of their employees.
63843 对他们的困难,我们要给予救助,但是从根本上说,还是要帮助他们就业。 We must provide support to all these people. But most importantly, we must help them land jobs.
63844 中国有9亿劳动力,没有就业,就只是9亿张吃饭的口;有了就业,就是9亿双可以创造巨大财富的手。 There is a labor force of 900 million in China. If they are out of work, there will be 900 million mouths to feed; if they are all put to work, 900 million pairs of hands will be able to generate tremendous wealth.
63845 为了稳住现有就业岗位,可以说政策是能用尽用,投入的钱也是最多的。 In order to retain existing jobs, all our pro-job measures will be fully employed with the largest input of funds.
63846 我们规模性政策的资金,允许基层用于减税降费,而且允许用于为企业减房租、贴利息。 Such sizable policy funds can be used by primary-level governments to implement tax and fee cuts, and subsidize rents or interest payment in support of companies.
63847 采取这样的措施就是要把企业稳下来,岗位保得住,而且要公平合理。 So all these measures are designed to keep companies in business and secure the jobs of their employees and they will be implemented in a fair and reasonable way.
63848 我们还要采取资助企业以训稳岗的政策,今明两年将有3500万人次通过失业保险结存资金来进行岗位培训,给他们缓冲的机会。 We will also finance skills training initiatives by businesses to stabilize employment. This year and the next, we will tap into the balance of the unemployment insurance fund to provide some 35 million vocational skills training opportunities.