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63869 |
李克强:当前中美关系的确出现一些新问题、新挑战。 |
Premier Li: It is true that at the moment, China-US relations have encountered some new problems and challenges. |
63870 |
中美关系很重要,两国都是联合国安理会常任理事国,在应对传统和非传统挑战方面都有很多可以、而且应当合作的地方,在经贸、科技、人文方面也有广泛的交流,两国之间存在着广泛的共同利益。 |
This is a very important bilateral relationship. Both countries are permanent members of the UN Security Council. There are many areas where the two countries can and should work with each other in tackling both traditional and non-traditional challenges. There are also extensive exchanges between the two countries in the economic, trade, scientific, technological, cultural and other fields. So it is fair to say that there is extensive common interest between China and the United States. |
63871 |
中美两国合则两利、斗则俱伤,不仅关系两国人民的利益,而且关系到世界,所以一些问题发生后引起世界的担忧。 |
Both countries stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. Getting Sino-US relationship right is in the interest of people of both countries and the whole world. Given the importance of this relationship, the problems that occurred in this relationship have been a cause for concern for the international community. |
63872 |
至于你说到“新冷战”,我们从来都主张摒弃“冷战”思维。 |
As for a cold war, you know that we have all along rejected the "cold war" mentality. |
63873 |
所谓“脱钩”,可以说两个主要经济体“脱钩”,对谁都没有好处,也会伤害世界。 |
And "decoupling" between major economies will do neither side any good. It is also harmful to the world. |
63874 |
我们应该按照两国元首达成的重要共识,推动建立以协调、合作、稳定为基调的中美关系。 |
I believe we should continue to work together to follow through on the important consensus reached between our two presidents and work jointly to foster a Sino-US relationship based on coordination, cooperation and stability. |
63875 |
中美两国经济你中有我、我中有你,一路走来很不容易,双方都从中获益。 |
The economies of our two countries have become closely interconnected. Our economic and trade ties have come a long way, and both sides have benefited tremendously. |
63876 |
这使我想起,就在几天前,一家美国高科技公司宣布在中国武汉的投资项目开工。 |
Just a few days ago, an American high-tech firm announced the launch of an investment project in Wuhan. |
63877 |
我不是做商业广告,但是我对他们的行为是赞赏的,所以发了贺信。 |
I shouldn't do any commercial promotion for any company, but I highly appreciate this move and sent my message of congratulations to mark the occasion. |
63878 |
这个例子表明,中美商贸界是互有需要的,是可以实现合作共赢的。 |
I believe this example shows that the business communities of our two countries need each other, and our business cooperation can be of mutual benefit. |