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471 注意保持室内空气流通,避免到封闭、空气不流通的公众场合和人多集中地方,外出时可佩戴口罩。 Keep proper indoor ventilation, avoid poorly ventilated and crowded places; medical masks shall be worn when going out.
472 外出回家后,及时洗手、洗鼻。 Wash hands and nose when coming home.
473 如有发热和其他呼吸道感染症状,特别是持续发热不退,及时到医疗机构就诊。 If fever and other respiratory symptoms, especially persistent fever occurs, go to hospitals as soon as possible.
474 (2)正确佩戴口罩 (2) Wear medical masks correctly
475 戴口罩是阻断呼吸道分泌物传播的有效手段。 Wearing medical masks is an effective way of interrupting respiratory droplets transmission.
476 选择医用外科口罩能很好地预防呼吸道疾病。 Medical masks can prevent respiratory diseases properly.
477 一次性医用口罩佩戴时,要将折面完全展开,将嘴、鼻、下颌完全包住,然后压紧鼻夹,使口罩与面部完全贴合。 When wearing disposable medical masks, fully unfold folded surface, and cover mouth, nose, and lower jaw entirely, then compress nose clip, so masks and face are in full contact with each other.
478 戴口罩前应洗手,或者在戴口罩过程中避免手接触到口罩内侧,减少口罩被污染的可能。 Wash hands before wearing medical masks or avoid touching the inner side of masks while wearing masks to reduce masks pollution risk.
479 分清楚口罩的内外、上下,浅色面为内,应该贴着嘴鼻,深色面朝外;金属条(鼻夹)一端是口罩的上方。 Distinguish the inside and outside and up and down of masks, i.e., the light surface is the inside of masks, which closes to mouth and nose, and the dark surface is the outside of masks; the metal strip (nose clip) side is the upside of masks.
480 要定期更换、不可戴反,更不能两面轮流戴。 Replace masks regularly; avoid wearing reversely, and even both sides.