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541 在浙江大学医学院附属第一医院的组织下,迅速出版了这本新冠肺炎的临床救治经验。 With the support of The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine (FAHZU), they quickly published a guidebook on the clinical experience of how to treat this new coronavirus.
542 希望给全世界正在抗疫一线的和即将加入战争的各国医务人员一些建议和参考。 The treatment guide offers advice and reference against the pandemic for medical staff around the world who are about to join the war.
543 感谢浙江大学医学院附属第一医院的医务工作者。 Thanks to the medical staff from FAHZU.
544 在冒着巨大风险救治新冠患者的同时,夜以继日亲自执笔写下了救治经验,形成这本手册。 While taking huge risks in treating COVID-19 patients, they wrote down their treatment experience day and night in this Handbook.
545 过去的五十多天,浙大一院收治了104名确诊患者,其中重症和危重症患者78人。 Over the past 50 days, 104 confirmed patients have been admitted to FAHZU, including 78 severe and critically ill ones.
546 医务人员在巨大的压力和风险下,创造了三个零的奇迹:医务人员零感染,感染患者零漏诊和危重患者零死亡。 Thanks to the pioneering efforts of medical staff and the application of new technologies, to date, we have witnessed a miracle. No staff is infected, and there is no missed diagnosis or patient deaths.
547 这是奇迹,更是财富。 Today, with the spread of the pandemic, these experiences are the most valuable sources of information and the most important weapon for medical workers on the battlefield.
548 面对全新的疾病,作为最早遭遇疫情的中国,一切隔离、诊疗、防护和康复都是从零开始,但是我们希望因为这本手册的问世,至少其它国家的医生和护士在走上这个特殊的战场时,可以有很多借鉴,不必从零开始。 This is a brand-new disease, and China was the first to suffer from the pandemic. Isolation, diagnosis, treatment, protective measures, and rehabilitation have all been started from scratch, but we hope that with the advent of this Handbook doctors and nurses in other affected areas can learn from our experience when entering the battlefield and they won't have to start from zero.
549 这次的大流行,是全球化时代人类共同面临的一次挑战。 This pandemic is a common challenge faced by mankind in the age of globalization.
550 此时此刻,只有不分你我,分享资源、经验和教训,才是我们赢得胜利的唯一机会。 At this moment, sharing resources, experiences and lessons, regardless of who you are, is our only chance to win.