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593 1)医疗机构应设相对独立的发热门诊,医院入口处有发热门诊专用单向通道且有明显标识; (1) Healthcare facilities shall set up a relatively independent fever clinic including an exclusive one-way passage at the entrance of the hospital with a visible sign;
594 2)人员流向按照“三区两通道”原则,设有污染区、潜在污染区、清洁区,分区明确,污染区与潜在污染区之间设置两个缓冲区; (2) The movement of people shall follow the principle of “three zones and two passages”: a contaminated zone, a potentially contaminated zone and a clean zone provided and clearly demarcated, and two buffer zones between the contaminated zone and the potentially contaminated zone;
595 3)设置独立污物通道;设置可视传递间进行办公区(潜在污染区)向隔离病房(污染区)的单向物品传递; (3) An independent passage shall be equipped for contaminated items; set up a visual region for one-way delivery of items from an office area (potentially contaminated zone) to an isolation ward (contaminated zone);
596 4)应制定医务人员穿脱防护用品的流程、按区域步骤制作流程图和配置穿衣镜,严格遵守行走路线; (4) Appropriate procedures shall be standardized for medical personnel to put on and take off their protective equipment. Make flowcharts of different zones, provide full-length mirrors and observe the walking routes strictly;
597 5)配备感染防控技术人员督导医务人员防护用品的穿脱,防止污染; (5) Infection prevention and control technicians shall be assigned to supervise the medical personnel on putting on and removing protective equipment so as to prevent contamination;
598 6)在污染区的所有物品未经消毒处理,不得带离污染区域。 (6) All items in the contaminated zone that have not been disinfected shall not be removed.
599 1.2分区设置 1.2 Zone Arrangement
600 1)设置独立的检查室、化验室、留观室、抢救室、药房、收费处等; (1) Set up an independent examination room, a laboratory, an observation room, and a resuscitation room;
601 2)设置预检分诊处,对患者做好初步筛查; (2) Set up a pre-examination and triage area to perform preliminary screening of patients;
602 3)对诊疗区域进行分区:有流行病学接触史且伴有发热及或呼吸道症 状,进入新冠疑似区域;无明确流行病学接触史的进入普通发热患者区 域。 (3) Separate diagnosis and treatment zones: those patients with an epidemiological history and fever and/or respiratory symptoms shall be guided into a suspected COVID-19 patient zone; those patients with regular fever but no clear epidemiological history shall be guided into a regular fever patient zone.